Shandong "Special Plan for Green Building Development in Zaozhuang City" (2021-2035) expert review meeting was held


On December 21, the Zaozhuang Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau organized an expert review meeting on the "Special Plan for the Development of Green Buildings in Zaozhuang City" (2021-2035). Invite experts from Shandong Urban and Rural Planning and Design Institute and Zaozhuang City Construction Engineering Survey and Design Review Center to form a demonstration committee. Comrade Du Yiwei, a member of the bureau’s party group and a fourth-level investigator, attended and presided over the meeting. The relevant leaders of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Municipal Self-Regulation Bureau, as well as the relevant persons in charge of the Municipal Housing Construction Center, the Municipal Quality Safety Center, and the Bureau’s Design Section attended the meeting.

At the meeting, the evaluation expert group listened to the report of the planning preparation unit and reviewed relevant materials. After discussion, it is believed that the "Plan" has sufficient basis, comprehensive content, clear planning objectives and tasks, reasonable indicators, distinctive local characteristics, and strong operability.

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