The first prefabricated shed renovation project in Zunhua City, Hebei Province won multiple awards


Recently, the first prefabricated shed renovation project undertaken by China Railway Eighteenth Bureau Group Beijing Company - Qiaojiawa and Liushuigou Village shantytown renovation project won the China Railway Construction Cup Quality Engineering Award after winning the Hebei Provincial Structural Quality Engineering Award.

The reconstruction project of shanty towns in Qiaojiawa and Liushuigou Villages of Zunhua City is a popular project of Zunhua City. The affordable housing project is located on the south side of Yanshan East Street and the west side of Haidong Road in Zunhua City, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. The total planned land area is 72.79 mu, and the total construction area of the project is 114,000 square meters, of which the construction area is 85,000 square meters. There are 8 residential buildings and 852 planned houses.

The development of prefabricated buildings is a major change in China’s construction methods. It has transformed traditional extensive construction methods into intensive industrialized work methods, improved production efficiency and building quality, saved resources and energy, and reduced the impact on the surrounding environment. As a result, dust and noise pollution can be controlled more effectively, in line with the requirements of China’s latest environmental protection policies.

Peng Zhaowu, deputy general manager of China Railway Eighteenth Bureau Group Beijing Branch and commander of Hebei Engineering Management Department, introduced that prefabricated buildings are simply factory-made parts and on-site assembly of houses. Compared with traditional hand-built houses, prefabricated buildings greatly reduce the labor intensity of workers and save construction time. On the other hand, it has higher precision and better quality, which can effectively avoid problems such as window leakage, wall cracks, and peeling off of external wall insulation. Because the prefabricated components are produced in the mold in the factory, the precision is high, and it is not affected by the weather, and it is directly assembled on the spot, which is convenient and quick. In addition, the amount of wet work on site is reduced, dust and noise pollution are significantly reduced, and the environmental protection advantage is obvious. At the same time, the amount of labor is significantly reduced compared to traditional construction techniques.

The residential buildings of the shantytown renovation project in Qiaojiawa and Liushuigou Villages of Zunhua City are of shear wall structure. The roof and stairs are constructed by fabricated construction. There are difficulties such as tight construction period, new technology, high environmental protection requirements, and crossing the winter and rainy seasons. In order to create high-quality projects that make people feel at ease, the project department meticulously formulates construction plans, rationally allocates construction procedures, adheres to standardized design, factory production, and assembly construction to ensure that there is no waste or rework during the construction process. Through scientific and technological research, the problem of conflicts between the tied frame beams and the hanging plate assembly components was solved. In addition, the construction sequence of the wall roof was adjusted to achieve the effect of improving the construction quality and shortening the construction period. The roof was capped 40 days earlier than the contractual construction period.

To add color to the green Zunhua, China Railway 18th Bureau Group Beijing Company strictly follows the "six hundred percent" standard. A series of measures such as the installation of tower crane sprinkler system, fog cannon dust reduction and road cleaning and sprinkling water will reduce construction dust, realize green construction, protect the health of surrounding residents, and make the air always fresh and the green hills evergreen. The project has also become a model construction site strongly promoted by the Zunhua Municipal Government.

The Beijing Branch of the China Railway Eighteenth Bureau Group has been promoting the contract in the Hebei region, and has been developing in Sanhe and surrounding areas for 14 years and has contracted nearly 20 projects. In particular, since 2020, it has successively undertaken high-standard supporting projects of Beijing Daxing Airport-Langfang Aviation Town Project, Hebei Province Sanhe Citizens' Livelihood Project-Old Community Reconstruction Project, etc., to contribute to the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integration strategy.

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