Longgang District of Shenzhen issued two "dual carbon" documents. 316 green building projects have been implemented



On December 17, the 9th Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum-Green Building Sub-forum was held in Shenzhen International Low Carbon City. This forum focused on "Carbon Road China: Green Innovation Leading Global Cohesion Action", and invited many heavy guests including Qiu Baoxing, Counselor of the State Council, Jiang Yi, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Li Xiaojiang, the national engineering survey and design master. This forum is divided into two parts: the keynote speech on the road to green building in the "dual carbon era" and the roundtable forum from green building to zero-carbon community. In the form of "online + offline", we will discuss with people from all walks of life the green building road in the dual-carbon era.

The green building sub-forum is jointly guided by the National Development and Reform Commission and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, hosted by the People's Government of Shenzhen City, and undertaken by the People's Government of Longgang District. It aims to further implement the new development concept of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing, discuss China's green and low-carbon development path, and fully demonstrate the country's green and low-carbon development achievements through Shenzhen as a window.

It is understood that the venue of the Green Building Sub-forum Shenzhen International Low Carbon City is located in the east of Longgang. Since the start of construction in 2012, it has gone through nearly 10 years and gained a good reputation at home and abroad. It is a vivid practice of Longgang's pioneering efforts in green and low-carbon development. At the same time, Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City is also the country's first batch of low-carbon city (town) pilot projects, and is the only important carrier and demonstration window featuring green and low-carbon development among the 18 key development areas in Shenzhen. The planned total area is 53.14 square kilometers, the scale of construction land is 19 square kilometers, and the basic ecological line control area reaches 63%. It is developed and constructed according to the three circles of "core area-expansion area-global scope". Currently, there are 314 enterprises above designated size stationed in the low-carbon city, of which 245 are national high-tech enterprises and 14 are listed companies. At the same time, as a "carbon peak" and "carbon neutral" experimental zone, there are 5 construction waste utilization enterprises, accounting for 29% of the district. There is one receiving site for surplus mud with a storage capacity of 4.6 million cubic meters, accounting for 42.6% of the district's storage capacity; 22 high-star green buildings have been built, accounting for 40% of the district.

In this forum, Longgang District officially released the two core documents of the "Double Carbon" New Deal, the "Longgang District Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction Plan" and the "Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City Comprehensive Development Plan". Declare to the whole society Longgang's confidence and determination to take a green, low-carbon, and high-quality development path. In recent years, Longgang District has promoted the integrated development of industry and city with high quality by exploring green and low-carbon development paths, while adhering to the concept of green development to build a livable and industrial city. The district adheres to low-carbon development, and green and low-carbon public supporting facilities are spread throughout the district. In the low-carbon city area, the renovation of existing buildings is constructed in accordance with the three-star green building standards. It has built Shenzhen’s first systematic regional integrated pipe corridor system; it has the Liulian surplus mud receiving field with the largest built-in operating storage capacity in the city. Adhere to mechanism first, take the lead in promulgating the "Shenzhen International Low-Carbon City Green Building and Low-Carbon Construction Management Measures (Trial)" and more than 30 supporting documents to determine the scope of high-star green buildings and prefabricated buildings. The city took the lead in promulgating the "Interim Measures for the Management of Building Demolition and Comprehensive Utilization of Construction Waste in Longgang District" and the 1+11 supporting documents to implement an integrated management model for construction waste generated from demolition projects. Insist on regulatory innovation, and take the lead in adopting prefabricated "green construction" in government-invested projects such as newly-built affordable housing, schools, hospitals, and comprehensive corridors. Combining the construction characteristics of prefabricated buildings, strengthen the random inspection of the implementation of building energy conservation and green building technical measures during the construction process, implement special inspections and joint acceptance of building energy conservation and green buildings, optimize and adjust supervision methods, and improve supervision efficiency. A "four-in-one" joint inspection mechanism consisting of district competent business departments + district quality and safety supervision agencies + industry associations + expert groups has been established to provide technical guidance services for 100% of high-star green buildings and prefabricated buildings in the district.

It is understood that there are currently 316 green building projects implemented in Longgang District and 68 prefabricated building projects have been implemented. The number and total scale of green buildings and prefabricated building projects are among the forefront of Shenzhen. The green coverage rate is 48.34%, covering 227 parks and 537 kilometers of green roads; 40 black and smelly water bodies have achieved "long-term cleanliness", and 780 small black and smelly water bodies have been sold. The annual average concentration of PM2.5 drops to 20.3 micrograms/m3, and the number of days with good air is in the first echelon in the country. The environmental protection power plant in the eastern part of Shenzhen was completed, and the domestic waste entered the era of "zero landfill". The total processing capacity of comprehensive utilization of construction waste exceeded 5 million tons, and the "National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone" was successfully created.

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