The Chongqing prefabricated interior partition board industry exchange and observation meeting was successfully held


Recently, under the guidance of Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee, Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Technology Development Center. With the support of Chongqing Construction Job Training Center and Chongqing Jiangbei District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, Chongqing Green Building and Building Industrialization Association hosted the prefabricated interior partition board industry exchange and observation meeting. Carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship in the new era, implement the application of prefabricated interior partition board technology, and promote the integrated development of green buildings and construction industrialization.

This exchange and observation meeting will include both the assembly-type interior partition board industry exchange and the assembly-type interior partition board construction site observation. According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Technology Development Center, Chongqing has effectively promoted the gradual increase in the implementation ratio of prefabricated construction projects by introducing policies and systems, guiding technology applications, promoting project implementation, carrying out demonstration construction, and cultivating supporting industries.

Cao Yong, chairman of the Chongqing Green Building and Construction Industrialization Association, said that it is necessary to vigorously promote the integrated development of green buildings and construction industrialization. The "two boards" application is one of the important measures. The association has carried out industry survey statistics, engineering application survey statistics, and organized industry skills competitions in promoting the "two boards" application.

The exchange and observation meeting was well received by all participating units. Through the exchange and observation, various municipal, district and county construction management departments have accumulated experience in strengthening policy promotion. The development, design, construction, and material companies have a deep understanding of the production and construction technology of prefabricated building interior partition panels; the association will continue to follow the work deployment of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee to vigorously promote the integrated development of green buildings and construction industrialization.

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