Haijian (Wenchang) Construction Industry Modernization Base Project: Ensure to be put into operation by the end of this year



Wenchang City combines the activities of "checking blocking points, solving problems, and promoting development" as well as the requirements of the "hundred-day battle" of project construction, insisting on firmly establishing the concept of "project is king" and continuously enhancing the sense of service. Vigorously create a high-quality business environment, promote the overall acceleration of the construction of the Yueting Industrial Park with the innovative development of ideas, and "escort" the construction of the project.

At the construction site of the Haijian (Wenchang) Construction Industry Modernization Base project located in the Wenchang Yueting Industrial Park, more than 80 workers are working in an orderly manner. Everyone is working hard, full of energy, day and night, and is fully committed to pushing the project construction out of "acceleration". Li Gen, the constructor of Haijian (Wenchang) Construction Industry Modernization Base Project:”The gantry cranes in the storage yard are now all installed. Now in the commissioning stage, the factory has completed the production of all steel components and has been shipped to the site. The hoisting phase is currently underway, and the road surface of the plant is also being poured concrete.”

Haijian (Wenchang) Construction Industry Modernization Base project has a total investment of 180 million yuan. After it is put into operation, it will pay about 22 million yuan in taxes per year, and it can provide more than 260 jobs every year. At present, the foundation of the plant has been completed, the component concrete surface yard has been completed, and the mixing station has been completed and put into use. As of October 2021, the construction output value of 29.48 million yuan, the purchase and installation of mixing plant equipment of 1.94 million yuan, and the steel structure material payment of 5.23 million yuan have been completed. The project is expected to be officially put into operation on December 28 this year. Liao Zhongtuan, Office Director of Haijian (Wenchang) Construction Industrial Park Co., Ltd.: "The current progress of the project is already in line with the conditions for commissioning, and it is close to 60% completed. The time for commissioning is determined on December 28 this year. After the construction of our plant is completed, our processing and production will be carried out in the plant to avoid waste and pollution during on-site construction. Promote all green production concepts. "

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