A total of 4,945 old communities have been renovated in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, benefiting approximately 450,000 residents



Among the people's livelihood practical work goals in Chengdu in 2021, the progress of the renovation of old communities affects the hearts of residents. Which areas to renovate and when the renovation is completed have attracted much attention. On December 14, it was learned from the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that in 2021, Chengdu plans to complete the renovation of 300 old communities throughout the year. At present, the city has completed the renovation of 313 old communities and promoted the completion of the construction of autonomous organizations.

Up to now, Chengdu has renovated 4,945 old communities with a construction area of more than 35 million square meters, benefiting about 450,000 residents, greatly promoting the improvement of the city's livable quality and the organic renewal of the living environment, and improving the citizen's happiness index.

"Autonomous first and then reform"

Change from "I want to change" to "I want to change"

Clean and tidy roads in the community, neat new water pipes, patchwork of community greenery, creative wall painting patterns...

In May of this year, No. 3 Qingyang North Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu officially launched the renovation of the old community. After nearly half a year of renovation, the community environment has changed drastically and the lives of residents have also been greatly improved.

Aunt Chen, who has lived in No. 3 courtyard for 35 years, sighs from the bottom of her heart in the face of the newly renovated living environment:"For the old residents who have lived in No. 3 courtyard for a long time like me, this renovation has brought about earth-shaking changes. Previously, there were many illegal constructions. The garbage was not cleaned up, the cars were parked in disorder, the greening was disorderly, and the sewage was blocked and inverted. It gave me the idea of moving several times. Now that the illegal structures in the courtyard have been dismantled, the infrastructure has been repaired, all public facilities have been brand new, and the greening has many categories and levels. The renovation of the entire area has brought back the original taste of old Chengdu here, and the quality of life in our old community has been greatly improved. "

However, the transformation of this old community, which has been built for 35 years, did not happen overnight. "This kind of community reconstruction involves various problems such as the demolition of illegal buildings, the reconstruction of greening, and the reinstallation of water supply pipelines. How to balance the psychological needs of the residents with the actual project, and how to prevent the transformation from becoming the original shape again due to poor management after the transformation are the pain points of the transformation work." According to Wang Mingxi, deputy director of the Xi'an Road Sub-district Office, Jinniu District, if the courtyard renovation is to proceed smoothly and the courtyard can be better maintained after renovation, courtyard autonomy is essential. Throughout the process of rebuilding old communities, we adhere to the concept of "first autonomy and then reform", and effectively guide the people's concept of changing from "I want to change" to "I want to change."

Put an end to "return to old" after renovation

Guide the masses to participate in the whole process of design, construction and management

The renovated courtyard of No. 3 Qingyang North Road has not only added parking spaces, fitness facilities, pavilions, and activity rooms, but also has greatly improved the water supply, power supply, sewage, and greening of the community.

"The road in the courtyard was broken and the drainage pipe network was not smooth. When it rained, there would be mud and water, and there was almost no place to go." Hu Yongan, who has lived here for 10 years, looked at the remodeled community with great emotion, but at the same time he was also worried that the community is now remodeled. After 3-5 years, will it return to its former appearance?

In fact, the Xi'an Road Sub-district Office had already figured out countermeasures at the beginning of the renovation. "Before the renovation, each household must pay a maintenance fund of 5 yuan per square meter, and this money is used to solve the problem of'return to old'." The payment of maintenance funds is conducive to cultivating the sense of ownership of the masses, guiding the masses to participate in the whole process of design, construction, and management, so that the renovation work is truly supported and supported by the masses, and the realization of “not to change, where to change, and how to change? The residents have the final say!"

Of course, the Qingyang North Road No. 3 Yard was not carried out alone. In Jinniu District, in accordance with the concept of “overall planning, centralized and contiguous”, the streets took the reformed form as a powerful tool for the organic renewal of the city, vigorously renovated the courtyard environment, improved the style of the neighborhood, and completed the renovation of 17 old courtyards. Demolition of more than 50 illegal construction sites of more than 1,000 square meters, promotion of the integrated transformation of 5 inter-area roads, 3 small amusement park upgrades, 1 vegetable market upgrade, and 1 party group service center upgrade, to achieve a comprehensive upgrade of facilities inside and outside the courtyard.

Up to now, the renovation of 17 old communities including No. 3 Qingyang North Road, Xi'an Road Street, has been fully completed. The simultaneous upgrading of five roads including Qingyang North Road, three small amusement parks including Youshan Park, the vegetable market in Qingyang District and the Party and Mass Service Center have also been completed. Fully realize the old appearance of "inside and outside the courtyard", "on the ground and underground" and "inside face".

Adapting measures to local conditions to promote aging-adaptive transformation and upgrading

Chengdu will complete the renovation of 313 old communities this year

To promote the implementation of people’s livelihood, the Chengdu Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau adheres to the leadership of party building and follows the sentiments and opinions of the people. In accordance with the principle of "residents' voluntary participation and participation of all parties", in 2021, we will fully implement the classified transformation of 313 old communities, vigorously promote the construction of 24 demonstration projects, and promote the transformation and improvement of aging, barrier-free, parking, etc. according to local conditions, and improve the livable quality of life in the community.

Priority is given to ensuring safety, and the system improves the quality of transformation. On the basis of urban physical examinations and comprehensive surveys, we will form basic, perfect, and upgrade measures for old communities, focusing on promoting safety and comprehensive basic projects. Take the lead in launching a batch of safety and bottom-up renovations such as hidden safety hazards, rain and sewage diversion, pipe network diseases, etc., involving 871 tasks in 462 communities. Strengthen municipal financial fund subsidies, give full play to the guiding role of financial funds, and guide market entities and social capital to participate in project investment and construction and follow-up operations.

In the next step, Chengdu will continue to fully promote the urban renewal and the renovation and upgrading of old communities. The organic renewal of 50 old districts in the city will continue to advance. This year, 313 old communities will be classified and upgraded, and a batch of old community reconstruction demonstration projects will be built. Vigorously promote basic projects such as safety hazards, rain and sewage diversion, pipe network disease management, accelerate the installation of elevators in existing residences, continue to improve the development and governance system of old communities, and continue to meet the expectations and yearnings of citizens for a happy and beautiful life.

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