Henan Province's first prefabricated PC ultra-low energy building project passed acceptance



"As the province's first prefabricated PC structure ultra-low energy consumption project, the Zhong'an Credit Information Technology R&D Center has passed the acceptance of experts. Congratulations! At the same time, we hope that Zhongan Credit Information will take this opportunity to speed up the pace of development and make new contributions to the realization of the country's "carbon peak" and "carbon neutral" green development goals and the high-quality transformation and development of the group company!" On December 16, in front of the Zhongan Credit Information Technology R&D Center building that passed the inspection, Qin Lianping, Chairman and General Manager of Henan Zhongan Construction Group Co., Ltd. said.

On December 11, Henan Zhongan Credit Information Building Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as Zhongan Credit) Technology Research and Development Center prefabricated PC structure ultra-low energy project conducted a special acceptance. After reviewing the materials, field inspections, report and discussion by the review experts, the project successfully passed the acceptance inspection as the first prefabricated PC ultra-low energy office building in Henan Province.

Hua Jintang, chief engineer of Zhongan Credit Report, introduced the project in detail. The project adopted the prefabricated construction method and the EPC general contracting mode, and the project construction was completed within 4 months. The construction period is greatly shortened, the construction cost is obviously reduced, and the construction advantages of prefabricated buildings are fully reflected.

At the same time, the project adopts ultra-low energy consumption technology. After it is put into use, the indoor temperature in summer will be kept below 26°C, and the indoor temperature in winter will be above 20°C, "warm in winter and cool in summer". Coupled with the fresh air heat recovery system, the indoor air quality is more comfortable and livable, which can effectively improve the work efficiency of office staff, and truly realize the low energy consumption and high energy efficiency of office buildings.

After reviewing, inquiring, and answering questions from experts at the review site, everyone agreed that the project complies with the relevant requirements of the "Near Zero Energy Building Technical Standard" GB/T51350-2019, and has basically achieved the energy consumption target of ultra-low energy buildings. The comprehensive energy-saving rate has been increased by nearly 50% on the basis of the current national energy-saving standards, which is in line with the scope of green buildings, and plays a good role in demonstrating and leading the construction of green and low-carbon development in urban and rural areas and the realization of the "dual carbon" goal. The overall assembly rate of the project has reached 76.6%, which is in line with the AA-level standard of the "Evaluation Standards for Prefabricated Buildings in Henan Province".

The successful acceptance of the project marked the birth of the first prefabricated PC ultra-low energy building in Henan Province. It fills the blank of the province's prefabricated PC ultra-low energy consumption buildings, and has taken the first step in the province's prefabricated PC ultra-low energy new buildings.

Cui Guoqing, chairman of Zhong'an Credit Report, said that Zhong'an Credit Report responds to the development requirements of the country's new buildings. Starting from the overall design, construction, and construction stages of the project, a more complete and detailed prefabricated PC ultra-low energy building design process, construction requirements and other lessons have been sorted out. It has accumulated valuable experience for the future research and development of Zhong'an Credit Information Assembly technology and the application of ultra-low energy consumption. It has a high demonstration significance for the promotion and application of assembly PC ultra-low energy buildings in the whole city and the whole province.

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