Bureau of Industry and Information Technology: The products of two prefabricated wall material manufacturers in Changzhou have passed the provincial new wall material product certification



Recently, the website of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology announced the fourth batch of provincial new wall material products in 2021. The prefabricated concrete wall panels and other products declared by two companies including Changzhou Green Concrete (Jiangsu) Construction Technology Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Haokun New Material Technology Co., Ltd. are among them. Up to now, Changzhou has accumulatively passed the provincial certification of 7 prefabricated concrete new wall material production enterprises.

Since the beginning of this year, the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented the new development concept, centered on the industrialization of buildings, actively responded to the new normal of the transformation of construction methods, and carefully selected prefabricated concrete wall materials production enterprises. Proactively connect with the front-end service, increase policy propaganda, actively guide enterprises to apply for provincial-level new wall material product certification, continuously optimize the structure of Changzhou's provincial-level new wall material product certification, and increase the certification ratio of Changzhou's prefabricated new wall material. Establish the brand of Changzhou new wall material production enterprise, expand the visibility and influence of Changzhou new wall material products, and provide strong support for the development of prefabricated buildings, green buildings, and low-carbon buildings in Jiangsu Province.

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