Promote the modern construction industry, Chongqing prefabricated buildings form a large-scale development situation


Give prizes to the winners of the skill contest. Photo courtesy of the event party Chongqing Client Issued

On December 15, it was learned from the Chongqing Prefabricated Interior Partition Panel Industry Exchange and Observation Meeting that Chongqing focused on the development of prefabricated buildings and accelerated the modernization of the construction industry.

Prefabricated buildings form a large-scale development situation

Prefabricated building? It is to transfer a large number of traditional "site operations" to "factory operations": building components such as floor slabs, wall panels, stairs, balconies, etc. are first made in the factory, and then transported to the construction site for assembly and installation. In short, building a house is like building Lego bricks, which is efficient, reliable, green and smart.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Technology Development Center, Chongqing has effectively promoted the gradual increase in the implementation ratio of prefabricated construction projects by introducing policies and systems, guiding technology applications, promoting project implementation, carrying out demonstration construction, and cultivating supporting industries.

At present, prefabricated buildings in the city have formed a large-scale development situation. By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for no less than 30% of newly built buildings.

The city’s 20 precast concrete parts and components have been put into production, with a designed annual production capacity of 3.5 million cubic meters. There are 24 new-type wallboards that have been put into production, with a designed annual production capacity of 6.77 million square meters; 15 steel structure manufacturers, with a designed annual production capacity of 1.399 million tons. The scale of production capacity and the development of the layout can fully meet the requirements for the implementation of prefabricated buildings in Chongqing at this stage, forming a strong supporting industry.

Chongqing prefabricated buildings have formed a large-scale development situation. Photo courtesy of the event party Chongqing Client Issued

In 2025, all new buildings in Chongqing's cities and towns will be green buildings

At today’s exchange meeting, awards were also given to the winners of the "Bayu Craftsman" Cup 2021 Chongqing Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Industry Skills Competition (Assembler) Trial and Chongqing’s First Prefabricated Interior Partition Board Industry Skills Competition. The competition is guided by the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee, supported by the Municipal Construction Job Training Center, Jiangbei District Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Committee, and hosted by the Municipal Green Building and Construction Industrialization Association.

A few days ago, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission and other departments jointly issued the "Chongqing City Green Building Industry and Green Finance Coordinated Development Work Pilot Program", which requires innovative green financial services, supports the green development of the construction industry, and ensures that the carbon peak and carbon neutral goals are achieved on schedule. Strive to achieve 100% of the green building area in new urban buildings in the city by 2025, and the proportion of green building materials used for not less than 70%.

The application of prefabricated floor slabs and internal partition wall panels is one of the important tasks. The Chongqing Green Building Compulsory Standard has made clear requirements for the proportion of non-masonry internal partition panels to be not less than 50%.

Cao Yong, president of the Municipal Green Building and Construction Industrialization Association, revealed that in this competition, 14 companies in the city's prefabricated interior partition board industry signed up to participate in the competition. Through the skill competition, build a platform for learning, display and communication for the Chongqing prefabricated interior partition board industry.

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