Hainan Province is rich in inclusive financial products and empowers the development of prefabricated construction industry



In recent years, Hainan has listed the application of prefabricated construction in the four landmark projects of ecological civilization construction, and vigorously promoted the development of the prefabricated construction industry. Prefabricated construction companies actively land in Hainan and use innovative materials to help the construction of Hainan International Free Trade Port. In order to solve the problems of financing difficulties and expensive financing for small and medium-sized innovative enterprises, and to empower the innovative development of leading prefabricated construction enterprises, Hainan financial institutions continue to enrich inclusive financial products and green credit products to help accelerate the development of the industry.

According to the person in charge of the Binhai branch of the Bank of Hainan, intellectual property pledge financing has played a positive role in resolving capital shortages for innovative SMEs, accelerating the transformation of the intellectual property market, and enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises. Aiming at high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises, the Bank of Hainan uses intellectual property as its core grasp to open up government-bank-enterprise financing channels, and successfully solves the difficulties and high financing pain points of enterprises through the coupling of advantageous resources. With the strong assistance of Haikou City Intellectual Property Office and Haikou City Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd., green approval channels have been opened to effectively solve the credit needs of enterprises.

The person in charge of Haikou City Financial Guarantee Co., Ltd. stated that it is a special product specially developed by the Haikou Municipal Intellectual Property Office and the Municipal Financial Guarantee Company in accordance with the actual development of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

According to reports, the "Haizhidai" project is the Haikou Municipal Intellectual Property Office set up an intellectual property pledge loan risk compensation fund with a financial fund of 30 million yuan. By using intellectual property pledges as financing guarantees and attracting "assets" with "intellectual property", they can effectively support small and micro enterprises to revitalize intangible assets, effectively solve the problem of corporate financing difficulties, and inject strong impetus for corporate innovation and development.

As a new economic growth point for the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, the prefabricated construction industry will usher in a new round of favorable policies. This financing model will explore a new path for corporate financing that is deeply involved in the development of Hainan's industry and continues to innovate technology. "This year, Hainan Bank's Binhai Sub-branch took the initiative to contact and recommend products after learning about our financing needs. The 3 million credit line was approved and the loan was completed within 5 days, effectively solving our urgent need." The person in charge of Chiguan Technology introduced.

It is understood that this prefabricated building green wall material innovation enterprise has more than ten national patents in the field of prefabricated vertical components and foam concrete production. The person in charge said that we truly feel the good business development environment in Hainan Province, which frees the company from worries and dares to continue to invest in technology research and development. The company is confident to make new and greater contributions to the high-quality economic development of Hainan Free Trade Port Construction.

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