Passive ultra-low energy consumption commercial houses in Baoding City, Hebei Province lifted price restrictions


A few days ago, Baoding City issued an implementation plan to comprehensively promote the development of passive ultra-low energy building industry, promote the leapfrog development of the passive ultra-low energy building industry, promote the formation of a new engine for economic and social green low-carbon development, and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality in the building sector.

Intensify policy support, demonstrate and lead large-scale promotion. Priority will be given to the protection of passive ultra-low energy consumption building construction land. Under the premise of conforming to the plan and not changing the use, if the industrial land increases the land utilization rate and increases the plot ratio, the land price will not be increased. Actively promote the market demand for passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings, reduce carbon emissions, and remove sales price restrictions for passive ultra-low energy building commercial housing projects. Purchasing passive ultra-low energy consumption commercial housing can be exempted from the restriction of regional commercial housing purchase restrictions. For projects constructed with passive ultra-low energy consumption building technology, the pre-sale funds key supervision ratio (amount) can be reduced, and the pre-sale funds key supervision funds can be reduced by 20%. Adjust the corresponding differentiated housing credit policies, use housing provident fund loans to purchase passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings for self-occupation, and the loan amount will rise by 20%.

Optimize the industrial layout and promote the rapid development of the entire industrial chain. On the basis of the construction of demonstration projects in the main urban area and the production of product components in related counties (cities, districts), the focus will be on the construction of the national building energy-saving technology international innovation park and the development of building energy-saving and environmental protection industrial clusters. Build a model city that integrates construction, industry, and tourism, and integrates development. In the planning and construction of new urban areas and functional parks, passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings should account for more than 30%. The focus is on the planning and construction of Gaobeidian National Building Energy-saving Technology International Innovation Park, Zhuozhou Economic Development Zone, Jingnan Development Zone, Songlindian Development Zone, Shenzhen Park, Caohe Area, and High-speed Railway Area of Baoding City. Passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings should reach more than 30%.

Strengthen the construction of industrial bases and promote technological upgrading of industrial products. Aiming at the development of the entire industrial chain of passive ultra-low-energy buildings, build an industrial manufacturing base, enhance the advantages of the industrial construction industry, and improve the level of industrial supporting service industries. The focus is on high-performance new thermal insulation materials for building exterior walls, waterproof sealing materials (waterproof vapor barrier membrane, waterproof breathable membrane), sun shading, LOW-E glass products and prefabricated near-zero energy building technology. Arrange a batch of scientific research projects and set up special bonuses to encourage innovative research and development and form competitiveness. Support the school-enterprise cooperation between municipal colleges and universities, professional technical schools and related enterprises, and promote the construction of related professional disciplines. Increase the number of training institutions for facility workers to fully cultivate passive ultra-low energy consumption construction industry and skilled construction workers to meet the needs of industry and engineering employment.

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