Qingdao City, Shandong Province Issued Guidelines for the Field of Prefabricated Buildings to Promote the Industrialization of New Buildings



In order to further improve the technical system of prefabricated buildings in Qingdao and promote the development of industrialization of new buildings, Qingdao Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau completed and issued the "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Common Faults in the Design and Quality of Prefabricated Monolithic Concrete Shear Wall Houses in Qingdao" and "Technical Guidelines for the Construction and Acceptance of Prefabricated Steel Structure Buildings in Qingdao" this year.

"Qingdao City Prefabricated Monolithic Concrete Shear Wall Structure Residential Design Quality Prevention Guidelines" starts from the development practice of prefabricated buildings in Qingdao, analyzes the common and frequent problems that have occurred in the previous prefabricated building plans, and proposes targeted solutions. It is divided into five chapters, including general principles, terminology, preliminary technical planning, architectural design, and structural design.

The "Technical Guidelines for the Construction and Acceptance of Prefabricated Steel Structure Buildings in Qingdao" aims to implement the current national requirements for vigorously promoting prefabricated steel structures. It is compiled on the basis of comprehensive investigation and research, earnestly summarizing practical experience, extensively soliciting opinions and suggestions, and drawing on advanced technologies at home and abroad. It is divided into twelve chapters, including general rules, terminology, basic regulations, materials, main structure construction and acceptance, external retaining wall and internal partition wall construction and acceptance, equipment and pipeline construction and acceptance, interior decoration construction and acceptance, packaging, transportation and stacking, construction machinery, building information model, use and maintenance.

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