How is the quality of "building blocks" type building? Shanghai Huangpu launches all-round "physical examination"


Unlike traditional buildings, prefabricated construction projects have their complexity and particularity. In Huangpu District, there are not many prefabricated projects. What is the quality of their construction? Recently, the Huangpu District Construction Management Committee invited many industry experts such as Shanghai Construction Fifth Construction Group, Shanghai Machinery Construction Group, Shanghai Construction Association, etc., to carry out a full range of "physical examinations" for the assembly of various projects in Huangpu District to help the efficient and high-quality development of construction industrialization.

Prefabricated building refers to the transfer of a large amount of on-site work in the traditional construction method to the factory, and then transports it back to the construction site after it is made, and performs on-site assembly, just like building blocks, installing each prefabricated board to the corresponding position.

In Xiaodongmen Street 616, 735 Neighborhood 313A-01 Block Project, Dongjiadu Residential District No. 18 Block 315-01 Block, Dongjiadu Residential District No. 18 Block 315-02 Block, through the on-site grouting operation level inspection, the experts understand the quality control points in the construction process on the spot, combined with the internal blueprint inspection, to get through the "last mile" of design and construction in prefabricated buildings. Fully communicate with the prefabricated construction unit and design unit to find out common and hidden problems in the construction of prefabricated buildings.

In view of the small prefabricated construction site in Huangpu District, the difficulty in setting up storage yard, and the difficulty in hoisting and transportation within the site, the experts analyzed the special construction plan and organization design during construction, and put forward optimization suggestions to the construction unit and design unit to strengthen the quality control of the entire process of prefabricated construction.

At the same time, combined with the process nodes of prefabricated construction, the expert team intervened in advance in the project of the stage of unoptimized assembly design drawings. Provide suggestions and suggestions from the early stage of the design, grasp the application of new technologies and new processes in the construction of prefabricated buildings, as well as the problems in the actual construction, and summarize the opinions of many experts in the design and construction. Conduct in-depth exchanges with all parties involved in the project, comprehensively improve the construction management level of prefabricated buildings in Huangpu District, and help the high-quality development of prefabricated construction technology.

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