Hebei has completed the renovation of 9,368 old towns and cities, and plans to renovate 3698 next year



It was learned from the press conference of “Housing and Urban-Rural Development Helps Hebei Build a Well-off Society in an All-round Way” held by the Hebei Provincial Government Information Office on the afternoon of December 10 that Hebei Province has renovated 9,368 old and urban communities in total, benefiting 1.93 million urban residents. The "old age" community "replaces its old appearance with a new one", old residents live a "new life" livable, and the total number of renovations ranks second in the country.

At the press conference, Xu Huazhong, Director of the Real Estate Market Supervision Department of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province, introduced that since 2018, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have continued to incorporate the renovation of old communities into the province’s 20 livelihood projects, and have taken a number of measures to fully promote their implementation. So far, 9,368 old communities have been renovated in the province, covering an area of 150 million square meters, helping 1.93 million households to improve their living conditions, and the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security have been continuously improved.

Adhere to the three 80% requirements. Residents decide whether or not to change, how to change, and how well the old community should be changed. The residents have the final say, and put forward three 80% requirements, namely: 80% of the residents in the community agree to be included in the renovation, and the renovation plan is formulated according to the wishes of 80% of the residents, and the completion acceptance can be organized after 80% of the residents are satisfied.

Strongly organize supervision and advancement. The "Ranking Measures for the Announcement of Old Communities Reconstruction" and the "Scoring Standards for the Evaluation of Old Communities Reconstruction Work" are issued every year, and a monthly report, quarterly dispatch, and annual assessment system are established. An inspection team led by department leaders was established to carry out on-site inspections on a quarterly basis. It is the first to establish a provincial-level old community renovation supervision and inspector system across the country. Inspectors are stationed in each city to conduct supervision and inspection on key links of the old community renovation project by project, and vigorously promote the renovation work in all regions.

Improve the quality level of transformation. Carry out the selection of excellent design schemes for old communities, encourage planners and architects to enter the communities, assist in the design of the reconstruction schemes of the old communities, and improve the quality of the reconstruction of the communities. Carry out the selection of provincial-level demonstration communities for the transformation of old communities, and promote the improvement of the transformation effect in various places.

Smooth channels for residents to report. The WeChat public account of "Hebei Old Community Reconstruction" was opened to publicize and interpret policies and smooth the channels for residents to report. The opinions and suggestions put forward by residents through the WeChat public account can be promptly fed back to the territorial responsible department for verification and processing.

In the next step, Hebei Province will carry out the selection of 2021 provincial-level old community reconstruction demonstration communities to promote the overall improvement of the quality of the province's old community reconstruction. In 2022, the province plans to renovate 3,698 old communities, which will benefit nearly 530,000 residents.

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