"Smart+" throughout the journey! Hunan builds an intelligent construction platform for the entire industry chain of prefabricated buildings



Digitization and intelligent upgrading, and promoting the coordinated development of intelligent construction and building industrialization are one of the development directions of the transformation and upgrading of the traditional construction industry. In recent years, Hunan has established an intelligent construction platform for the entire industrial chain of the construction industry by vigorously developing the industrialization of construction as a carrier, taking digital and intelligent upgrading as the core driving force. Two major sections, the "government-side industry public service platform" and the "enterprise-side industry application platform" have been set up to implement precise policies and coordinate efforts to open up the upstream and downstream industrial chain of the construction industry.

Hunan has successively launched two phases of trial operation of intelligent construction projects, involving 29 prefabricated construction companies and 35 actual engineering projects in the province, vigorously boosting the overall efficiency of the project. Among them, the teaching and living facilities construction pilot project of the Teachers College of Jishou University undertaken by Dongfanghong Construction Group, 70% of the prefabricated laminated floor and 60% of the prefabricated internal partition wall adopt the components in the standard parts library. The intelligent design software reduces the time required for component splitting from 5 days to 1 day, and the deepening of design and detailed drawing of components is reduced from 40 days to 15 days, and the overall design efficiency is increased by more than 50%. Through prefabricated construction smart management, the on-site management is standardized, visualized, and refined, and the work efficiency of on-site personnel is increased by more than 10%, which effectively ensures that the project is completed on schedule, with quality and quantity.

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