Gansu: By 2025, green buildings will account for 80% of new urban buildings


Recently, the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection in Gansu Province" was issued and implemented with the approval of the provincial government. The "Plan" clarifies that by 2025, the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 80%.

The "Plan" puts forward that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the province's ecological civilization construction will reach a new level, the ecological environment will continue to be consolidated and improved, and the total discharge of major pollutants will continue to decrease. The level of ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin has been further improved, the quality and stability of the ecosystem have been steadily improved, environmental risks have been effectively controlled, the ability and level of ecological environmental governance have been significantly improved, and the people’s sense of acquisition, happiness and security of the beautiful ecological environment has continued to increase. The efficiency of energy resource allocation has been greatly improved, the intensity of carbon emissions has continued to decrease, and the development of a simple, moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle has accelerated.

Looking forward to 2035, the goal of building a beautiful Gansu will be basically achieved. Accordingly, priority protection units such as important ecological function areas and ecological environment sensitive areas in the whole province shall be prohibited or restricted in accordance with the law on large-scale and high-intensity industrial development and urban construction. All kinds of development activities that do not meet the relevant national regulations are strictly prohibited to ensure that the ecological environment functions are not reduced. To build a central green ecological industry demonstration zone focusing on the Lanbai metropolitan area and integrating urban and rural areas; to build a green ecological industrial economic zone in the arid area of the Hexi Corridor, focusing on the construction of ecological safety barriers in the Hexi inland river basin. Focus on strengthening the comprehensive management of the Loess Plateau and building an ecological barrier on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and build a green ecological industrial economic belt in Southeast Gansu.

The "Plan" proposes that the province should optimize the development and utilization of energy, implement equivalent reductions in energy consumption for new coal-consuming projects, and reasonably control the proportion of coal consumption. Strictly control the newly added coal-fired power generation capacity. In principle, no additional self-supplied coal-fired units will be added, support the implementation of clean energy substitution of self-supplied coal-fired units, and encourage the conversion of self-supplied power plants into public power plants. By 2025, the proportion of installed capacity and consumption of non-fossil energy will reach 65% and 30%, respectively. At the same time, vigorously promote energy-saving and new energy vehicles, and encourage party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions to purchase and use new energy vehicles.

By 2025, the carbon dioxide emissions of the unit's transportation turnover of operating vehicles will be reduced by 4% compared with 2020, and the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 80%. Enclose and protect eligible desertified land, implement comprehensive management of wind and sand sources in the northern Hexi Corridor, and plan to implement ecological protection and restoration projects in key areas for ecological restoration of historically abandoned mines, such as the northern foot of the Qilian Mountains, the central Gansu-Southeast Gansu, and the Hexi Corridor. The systematic implementation of integrated protection and restoration projects of mountains, waters, forests, lakes, grasses and sands in the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Gannan, the closure and protection of moderately degraded areas and above, restoration of the ecological functions of degraded wetlands and surrounding vegetation, and curbing the shrinking trend of marsh wetlands.

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