Xiamen City, Fujian Province will basically complete the renovation of the old community next year



By 2025, Xiamen will basically complete the transformation of old communities in the city; plans to add more than 10,000 off-street public parking spaces. The reporter learned from the Municipal Construction Bureau that in the near future, the final evaluation of the special plan for urban construction during the 13th Five-Year Plan and the preparation of the special plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan for the construction of Xiamen have been completed.

It is reported that the "14th Five-Year Plan" special plan for construction undertakings is guided in the direction of taking the lead in achieving carbon peaks, with the overall goal of comprehensively improving the construction quality and level of Xiamen City, and striving to achieve the "two firsts" by 2035—Take the lead in realizing all-round high-quality development and transcendence, and take the lead in basically building a model city for a modern and powerful socialist country.

Promote new construction models

Create "Xiamen Model"

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Xiamen will accelerate the high-quality development of green buildings, increase the implementation of green building standards, and 100% of new buildings in cities and towns will implement the Fujian Provincial Green Building Design Standards. By 2022, the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 80% that year, and reach 100% by 2025.

Xiamen will establish a green housing user supervision mechanism, formulate the "Guidelines for Green Housing Buyers' Home Inspection", study and formulate "dual control" targets for the total and intensity of carbon emissions in the construction sector in Xiamen, and study and formulate a path to achieve the goals of carbon emissions and carbon neutrality in the construction sector.

Xiamen will actively promote new construction models and create a "Xiamen model" built by China. Enhance the development capacity of the prefabricated construction industry and expand the scope of promotion of prefabricated buildings. By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 35% of the newly built building area, and the proportion of state-owned investment newly-started affordable housing, education, medical, and office complex projects using prefabricated buildings will not be less than 50%.

Reconstruction of old communities in the city

Basically completed by 2025

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Xiamen will promote the transformation of old communities and accelerate the construction of green communities and complete communities. Adjust measures to local conditions to make up for shortcomings in the construction of existing residential communities. By 2022, Xiamen will basically complete the transformation of old communities on the island; by 2025, basically complete the transformation of old communities in the city. Promote the construction of "green communities". By 2022, more than 60% of the communities in the city will participate in the creation and meet the creation requirements.

Improve the quality of social housing construction and improve the living environment. Xiamen will complete the construction as planned and deliver the second phase of Xindian Affordable Housing Metro Community, the second phase of Xiangping Affordable Housing Metro Community, and the second phase of Maluanwan Affordable Housing Metro Community. They will deepen the concept of industrial-city integration and the construction of a "comprehensive housing complex", and strengthen the construction of health care facilities.

Off-street public parking spaces

Add more than 10,000

In the future, the basic urban functions of Xiamen will be more perfect, and the comprehensive renovation and maintenance of block facades will continue to be promoted, and the construction of block facade renovation, maintenance systems and long-term management mechanisms will be established to form a Xiamen characteristic block facade renovation and improvement management model.

Xiamen will continue to carry out night scene lighting construction and promote the refined management of night scene lighting. Strengthen the construction of new infrastructure for smart parking, promote the development of "new urban construction", implement special plans for public parking facilities, and promote the construction of smart parking.

By 2025, it is planned to add more than 10,000 off-street public parking spaces. Cooperate with 5G, new energy vehicle charging piles and other "new infrastructure" to promote the integrated construction of public parking and charging infrastructure, and the proportion of newly-built public parking installations or reserved parking spaces shall not be less than 20%.

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