Zhejiang: Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo are linked together to jointly promote the development of new building industrialization



In order to further promote the development of new construction industrialization in the three cities of Hangzhou, Shaoxing and Ningbo, and to achieve demonstration and lead the new construction industrialization of our province, recently, co-sponsored by the Hangzhou Construction Industry Association, Ningbo Construction Industry Association, and the Shaoxing Construction Industry Modernization Development Alliance, the three cities held a joint conference on the development of new-type construction industrialization with the theme of "departmental linkage, multi-regional linkage, common improvement, and win-win cooperation". Successfully set up the "Hang Shao Yong" cooperation and exchange platform to promote the industrialization of new buildings.

At the meeting, witnessed by the construction authorities of the three cities, Hangzhou Construction Industry Association, Ningbo Construction Industry Association, and Shaoxing Construction Industry Modernization Development Alliance successfully signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Building a New Construction Industrialization Framework in Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing" .

In the future, the three places will achieve cooperation, exchange, interconnection, and group development in various aspects such as quality control of prefabricated component manufacturers, prefabricated building project inspection, and prefabricated building expert library construction. Jointly coordinate to solve the difficulties and problems encountered by the three cities in the development of new construction industrialization, and take dual-carbon development as the goal, eliminate outdated production capacity, and continue to maintain demonstrations to lead Zhejiang's new construction industrialization.

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