Baoding City, Hebei Province relaxes the supervision of passive ultra-low-energy building commercial housing: cancellation of purchase restrictions and price restrictions


Recently, Baoding City formally issued the "Implementation Plan for Baoding City to Promote the Development of the Passive Ultra-low Energy Building Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). Accelerate the leapfrog development of the passive ultra-low energy consumption building industry in Baoding City, and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality in the building sector.

The "Plan" shows that in order to actively promote market demand, the sales price restrictions for passive ultra-low energy building commercial housing projects will be lifted. Purchasing passive ultra-low energy consumption commercial housing can be exempted from the restrictions of regional commercial housing purchase restrictions.

The "Plan" stated that financial institutions and housing provident fund management agencies should adjust the corresponding differentiated housing credit policies, and use housing provident fund loans to purchase passive ultra-low-energy building self-occupied houses, the loan amount will rise by 20%.

At the same time, it is proposed to strengthen the supervision of pre-sale funds and node control. For projects constructed with passive ultra-low energy consumption building technology, the key supervision ratio (amount) of pre-sale funds can be reduced, the allocation node can be increased or the pre-sale funds will be moved one node forward for allocation, and the amount of pre-sale funds key supervision funds will be reduced by 20%.

According to the article "The difference between passive ultra-low energy consumption buildings and traditional buildings" in the 10th issue of "Architecture and Decoration", 2020, passive ultra-low energy buildings refer to an envelope structure that adapts to climate characteristics and natural conditions, adopts higher thermal insulation performance and airtightness of the building. Using high-efficiency fresh air heat recovery technology, indoor environmental parameters and energy consumption indicators meet standard requirements, heating and cooling require low energy consumption, energy saving efficiency is more than 90%, and it is also a highly comfortable and safe building.

Yan Yuejin, research director of the Think Tank Center of E-House Research Institute, said that this policy clearly cancels the purchase restriction policy on passive houses, which is worthy of industry attention. The Baoding policy at least shows that from the perspective of house destocking and sales, there is a local cancellation of purchase restrictions.

Yan Yuejin said that the recent market pressure has been relatively high, and there have been many discussions about the cancellation of purchase restrictions, but in fact, no city has actually cancelled it publicly. Taking the opportunity of implementing the dual-carbon strategy to loosen the tie is also in line with expectations.

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