China (Shenyang) Smart Construction Industrial Park officially launched


On December 4th, China (Shenyang) Intelligent Construction Industrial Park and Shenyang Digital Construction Industrial Park officially launched. This marks a historic step for Shenyang's intelligent construction and modern construction industry.

Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and other departments have successively issued a series of important documents, proposing that the development of intelligent construction is the key to breaking the development bottleneck, enhancing core competitiveness, and achieving high-quality development in the current and future period of the construction industry. Shenyang has an early start and rapid development in the field of modern construction industry. It is a national demonstration city. It is in the first echelon to promote prefabricated buildings in the country. It has created a number of national and provincial prefabricated building industrial bases, leading the province. Successfully held the 9th China (Shenyang) International Modern Construction Industry Expo, becoming the top domestic construction industry event. The construction of an intelligent construction industrial park has a good industrial foundation, talent reserve and technical support.

According to reports, the China (Shenyang) Intelligent Construction Industrial Park will gather the digitalization, industrialization, greening of buildings and some traditional construction enterprises, and integrate resources such as industry associations, scientific research institutions and leading enterprises. With the goal of creating "digital transformation and upgrading of the industry", we will build a multi-professional complex industrial park for the construction industry with an advanced operating system as the core. According to the plan, in the next five years, the park will strive to achieve a total output value of 30-50 billion yuan, tax payment of more than 1 billion yuan, and 500 enterprises in the park. Achieve online services to 40,000 national buyers and suppliers, directly and indirectly create 150 billion online transactions, and the platform deposit amount reaches 10 billion.

The relevant person in charge of Shenyang Urban and Rural Construction Bureau stated that China (Shenyang) Intelligent Construction Industrial Park will actively build intelligent construction industrial clusters, increase support, build nests and attract phoenix to promote the development of industrial parks. At the same time, we will cultivate leading enterprises and form a new business form of integrated development of intelligent construction. Comprehensively support construction companies such as Shenyang Tengyue, promote the transformation and development of key leading companies into intelligent construction enterprises, and form cross-border development, form a new model and new business format for the development of the construction industry and digitalization, networking, and intelligent integration, and comprehensively drive the development and progress of the construction industry.

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