During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu Province will build 20 million square meters of green buildings



During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu's green building construction model and development path will undergo a major change-from a "speed and scale" promotion model to a "high-quality, high-efficiency" development model. This is the news obtained by the reporter from the press conference of “Accelerating the High-Quality Development of Green Buildings and Promoting the Peak of Carbon in the Building Sector” held by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province on December 2.

Jiangsu has the largest green building scale in China

Jiangsu is a major economic province, a major energy-consuming province, and a major carbon-emission province. Last year, the construction sector's carbon emissions were about 120 million tons, accounting for 16.7% of the province's total. "Promoting the high-quality development of green buildings is an important measure to promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in the construction sector in Jiangsu. It is also an important starting point for implementing the people-centered development concept and building a healthier and more livable home for the people." Liu Dawei, Deputy Director of the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Development Department introduced.

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu Province has compiled a series of local standards such as "Design Standards for Green Buildings in Jiangsu Province" and "Standards for Planning and Construction of Green Urban Areas" to provide technical support for the high-quality development of green buildings. The proportion of newly-built green buildings in cities and towns in the province has increased from 53% to 98%. A total of more than 800 million square meters of green buildings have been built. The scale of green buildings is the largest in the country, and the number and area of marking projects is the largest in the country. 18 projects have won the National Green Building Innovation Award, and the number of awards is among the highest in the country. 19 provincial-level green building demonstration zones were newly established, and about 30 million square meters of high-quality green building projects were completed in the region, and green buildings above two-star level accounted for more than 80%.

The province has achieved remarkable results in building energy conservation. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the energy-saving standards for new buildings will be raised from 65% to 75%. The province added 860 million square meters of energy-saving buildings, and the total number of energy-saving buildings reached 2.3 billion square meters, accounting for 63.3% of the total existing buildings in cities and towns. The newly-added renewable energy building application area was 370 million square meters, and the proportion of solar thermal building applications in new buildings increased from 30% to 47.1%. Jiangsu Province has also completed the energy-saving renovation of 44.09 million square meters of existing buildings. The province's building energy saving added 31.83 million tons of standard coal, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 82.75 million tons.

Achieve "Three Upgrades, Three Optimizations, Three Promotions"

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, how can Jiangsu Province develop green buildings with "high quality and high efficiency"? "It will focus on improving the green performance of new buildings, improving the green quality of existing buildings, expanding the overall benefits of demonstration work, promoting the innovative development of new building industrialization, and highlighting the leading of technological innovation." Liu Dawei said.

New buildings will achieve "three upgrades." Improve the perception of the people, comprehensively promote the application of air monitoring, announcement system and residential fresh air system in densely populated places, and improve the health performance and aging level of buildings. Improve energy-saving standards, develop ultra-low-energy buildings on a large scale, and actively carry out near-zero energy and zero-energy building demonstrations. Improve the application level of renewable energy in buildings, further improve the level of integration of renewable energy and buildings, develop distributed solar photovoltaic technology, encourage the local consumption of renewable energy, and effectively realize the replacement of building energy.

Existing buildings achieve "three optimizations". Optimize the building's low-carbon development system, and study and formulate building energy-saving development routes and implementation plans suitable for the province's conditions. Optimize the building energy efficiency improvement mechanism, formulate energy consumption quotas for public buildings by classification, and jointly promote the construction of energy consumption management mechanisms based on public building energy consumption quotas. Optimize the green operation management system, establish a green building identification project operation data reporting system, and strengthen the update and maintenance of the building energy consumption monitoring platform.

Promote the industrialization of new types of buildings and do a good job in the "Three Promotions". Promote the application of standardized technology, and gradually form a standardized and serialized building product supply system. Promote prefabricated construction, vigorously promote prefabricated concrete buildings; promote prefabricated decoration, require government investment projects to actively adopt prefabricated decoration technology, and encourage the application of prefabricated decoration technology in commercial residential buildings.

A set of data outlines the "14th Five-Year Plan" green building landscape in Jiangsu Province: to create a batch of high-quality green building projects with good quality, outstanding performance and distinctive features, with a total area of 20 million square meters. Promote the green and energy-saving renovation of existing buildings to reach 30 million square meters. The total area of newly built ultra-low energy-consumption buildings will reach 5 million square meters, and the proportion of renewable energy to replace conventional energy in buildings will reach 8%. The prefabricated buildings accounted for 50% of the newly-started construction area in the same period, and the prefabricated decoration buildings accounted for 30% of the newly-started finished housing area in the same period.

Improve the life-cycle management system of buildings

"Whether a building meets the green building standards depends on whether it can really reduce resource consumption during the operation phase of the building." said Wang Le, deputy director of the Green Building and Technology Division of the Provincial Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department. At present, Jiangsu Province has gradually established a long-term green building supervision mechanism covering the entire process of planning, design, construction, and inspection and evaluation, covering aspects of plan design review, construction drawing design review, construction and completion acceptance, and technically. The Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is actively guiding property management companies to carry out green property management, continuously improving the level of smart operation and management of green buildings, further improving the sub-item measurement, monitoring and evaluation system of building energy consumption, conducting green building operation evaluation, and strengthening building energy efficiency evaluation.

To implement the "dual carbon" goal, it is very important to do a good job in the demolition and disposal of buildings. "We actively promote the resource utilization of construction waste, and incorporate the utilization rate of construction waste into the high-quality development evaluation index system. The "Guiding Opinions on Promoting Green Urban and Rural Construction under the Carbon Peak Target" issued by the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development this year clearly stated that by 2025, full coverage of the utilization of urban construction waste at and above the county level will be achieved. "Wang Le said. The reporter learned that, at present, the construction waste recycling industrialization demonstration project in Wujin District, Changzhou City can process 1.6 million tons of construction waste per year. The recycled masonry aggregate made from construction waste is suitable for sponge city construction, and the price is about 15% lower than the market price of traditional products, and the comprehensive conversion rate of construction waste can reach 95%.

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