Qingdao BIM electronic bidding system is officially launched



On October 29, Qingdao Municipal Services and Public Resources Trading Center organized and compiled the "Guidelines for the Application of Building Information Model Technology in Bidding and Bidding for Housing Construction Projects in Qingdao", which was officially released after the second round of review by senior experts. On the same day, Qingdao’s BIM electronic bidding system was launched on the Qingdao’s public resource trading electronic platform, marking that Qingdao’s housing construction project bidding has officially entered the visual and intelligent BIM era.

BIM is based on various relevant information data of construction projects to build architectural models, so that design, construction, and management work under one platform. Fundamentally solve the problem of information gaps between various stages of the building's life cycle and various professional systems, and comprehensively improve the informatization level of construction projects.

As the province’s first application standard for using BIM technology in the bidding phase, the "Guidelines" will help promote the application of BIM technology in Qingdao’s bidding and bidding fields, promote the informatization process of the city's construction industry and the development of smart cities, and further optimize the business environment of Qingdao.

Qingjian Group Co., Ltd. is one of the main compilation units of the "Guidelines". Wang Lijing introduced: "The "Guidelines" are the ‘compass’ of BIM technology in the field of bidding and bidding. It contains 9 parts and 5 case references, and has the 3 characteristics of ‘leading, innovative, and practical’. It can provide full life cycle guidance for all types of construction projects, and is highly compatible with the technical standards of the city's public resources full-process electronic trading platform. "

According to the person in charge of Qingdao Municipal Services and Public Resources Trading Center, the introduction of the "Guidelines" and the launch of supporting systems will fully lead BIM technology into the field of construction project bidding. Improve the application awareness of BIM technology bidding in Qingdao construction engineering design, construction, property and consulting services. Provide guidance for relevant units to implement BIM technology application in the tendering and bidding stage, and urge relevant units to continuously improve their BIM R&D and application capabilities in terms of personnel and technology. It has formed a strong boosting force in promoting the transformation and upgrading of Qingdao's construction industry and related supporting intelligent construction industries.

Qingdao Municipal Services and Public Resources Trading Center will further enhance its service capabilities. Through the use of blockchain, artificial intelligence and other technologies, we will carry out cross-regional information sharing and mutual recognition, and promote the implementation of new trading models such as "intelligent bid evaluation" and "remote remote review". Improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase benefits for transaction entities, and comprehensively optimize the business environment for public resource transactions in Qingdao.

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