Jiangsu Province vigorously promotes prefabricated buildings and encourages the application of prefabricated decoration technology in commercial housing



There are more and more prefabricated buildings that build houses like building blocks. In the future, not only building houses like building blocks, but also interior decoration can be assembled. On December 2, the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province held a press conference on “Accelerating the High-Quality Development of Green Buildings and Promoting the Peak Carbon in the Construction Sector” to introduce the high-quality development of green buildings in Jiangsu Province. The reporter learned that Jiangsu made it clear that by 2025, the area of prefabricated buildings in the province will account for half of the newly-started buildings, and the proportion of prefabricated and decorated buildings in the area of newly-started finished housing in the same period will reach 30%. In the next step, while Jiangsu vigorously promotes prefabricated buildings, it will also promote prefabricated decoration and encourage the application of prefabricated decoration technology in commercial residential buildings.

△The scene of the press conference of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of Jiangsu Province

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu's new building energy saving is equivalent to 82.75 million tons of carbon dioxide emission reduction

Jiangsu is a major economic province, as well as a province that consumes a lot of energy and emits a lot of carbon. In 2020, Jiangsu's construction sector will emit about 120 million tons of carbon emissions, accounting for 16.7% of the province's proportion. With the rapid advancement of urbanization and the continuous improvement of urban residents' living standards, the construction sector's carbon emissions will continue to increase.

Liu Dawei, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, introduced that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu continued to practice the concept of green development, vigorously promote green building work, and green building work has achieved remarkable results. During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, the proportion of newly built green buildings in Jiangsu's cities and towns increased from 53% to 98%. The cumulative green building area has exceeded 800 million square meters. The scale of green buildings is the largest in the country and the number of marked projects is the largest in the country.

△Liu Dawei, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu's new buildings are more energy-efficient, and the energy-saving standard has been raised from 65% to 75%. The province added 860 million square meters of energy-saving buildings, and the total number of energy-saving buildings reached 2.3 billion square meters, accounting for 63.3% of the total existing buildings in cities and towns. The scale of energy-saving buildings continued to remain the largest in the country, with an area of 370 million square meters of new renewable energy applications, and the proportion of solar thermal buildings in new buildings increased from 30% to 47.1%. Completed the energy-saving renovation of 44.09 million square meters of existing buildings. According to calculations, during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the province's building energy saving added 31.83 million tons of standard coal, which is equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 82.75 million tons.

By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for 50% of the newly started construction area in the same period

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu has set new goals for the development of green buildings. The building quality is higher. On the basis of the full implementation of green building standards for newly built buildings in cities and towns, a batch of high-quality green building projects with excellent quality, outstanding performance and distinctive features will be created, with a total area of 20 million square meters.

The people’s experience is better. The safety, health, and comfort levels of buildings have generally improved. Research and establishment of green residential user supervision mechanisms have made the green performance and full decoration quality assurance of residential buildings more effective; promoted the green energy-saving renovation of existing buildings to 30 million square meters.

The total energy consumption is lower. Actively promote the large-scale development of ultra-low-energy buildings. By 2025, the total area of newly built ultra-low-energy buildings will reach 5 million square meters, and the proportion of renewable energy to replace conventional energy in buildings will reach 8%;

Industrial transformation is better. The promotion of key technologies and products for green buildings has been continuously strengthened, the prefabricated buildings have been steadily promoted, and the prefabricated decoration has been vigorously developed. By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for 50% of the newly-started construction area in the same period, and prefabricated decoration buildings will account for 30% of the newly-started finished housing area in the same period.

Encourage the application of assembly decoration technology in commercial housing

According to the province's "14th Five-Year" green building high-quality development plan, Jiangsu must vigorously promote assembly decoration. Actively promote assembly-based decoration, require government-invested projects to actively adopt assembly-based decoration technology, and encourage the application of assembly-based decoration technology in commercial residential buildings.

What is assembly decoration? According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, assembling decoration is a decoration method that mainly uses dry construction methods to combine and install the interior parts and equipment pipelines produced by the factory on the spot. Compared with traditional decoration with many common quality problems, many hidden dangers in the decoration process, heavy pollution of the decoration environment, and serious waste of material resources, assembly decoration does not involve construction safety, and the construction process is simple and the cycle is short. It avoids the imprecision caused by manual operation, reduces on-site secondary processing, greatly avoids noise pollution, dust pollution and light pollution, reduces material loss, and eliminates decoration waste.

At the same time, most of the parts and components used in assembly decoration are produced by factories in a streamlined and standardized way, which can effectively guarantee product quality, facilitate subsequent repairs and maintenance, and achieve quality traceability through the integration of information technology. The industrialized thinking of standardized design, industrialized production, assembly-based construction, and informatization coordination of assembly decoration has the characteristics of "multiple, fast, good, and economical", which perfectly solves the disadvantages exposed by traditional decoration and has obvious advantages.

Since 2020, Jiangsu Province has vigorously promoted assembly decoration and increased the proportion of assembly decoration in finished housing. At the same time, we actively carry out pilot demonstration and cultivation, and set up assembly decoration demonstration projects in the modernization demonstration category of the provincial construction industry from 2020 to 2021. At present, 7 provincial assembly decoration demonstration projects have been identified. Jiangsu also actively guides real estate development companies to adopt standardized, modular and dry assembly decoration technology in finished housing. Promote the application of technologies such as overall kitchen and bathroom, decoration parts and equipment pipeline integration, and accelerate the increase in the proportion of newly-started assembly and decoration products.

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