By 2025, all new buildings in cities and towns in Jiangxi Province will be green buildings


On November 30, the Jiangxi Provincial Government Information Office and the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment jointly held a press conference on the "14th Five-Year Plan for Ecological Environmental Protection in Jiangxi Province". The plan proposes that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, ecological civilization education will be included in the national education system, and the sections of the Yangtze River and the main stream of the Ganjiang River will fully meet Grade II water quality.

Compared with the "13th Five-Year Plan" of Jiangxi Province, the "14th Five-Year Plan" for ecological environmental protection highlights new directions and new requirements such as actively responding to climate change and ecological protection and restoration. It is estimated that by 2025, the province's entire PM2.5 concentration will drop below 24.8 micrograms/m3, the percentage of days with good air quality will reach 95.2%, and the percentage of surface water sections reaching or better than Class III will reach over 93.9%. Among them, the proportion of water bodies reaching or better than Class II reached more than 76.9%. The black and odorous water bodies and the water sections of Class V and inferior V in cities at county level and above were basically eliminated, and the ecological quality index was stable and improving.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangxi Province will fully implement coal consumption reduction and substitution, and promote the continuous decline of the proportion of coal in the province's energy consumption, and the proportion of coal consumption in the primary energy will drop below 58%. The proportion of green building area in newly-built buildings in cities and towns will reach 100%, and the protection rate of national key protected wild animals and plants will reach over 95%. Create 15 to 20 national ecological civilization demonstration areas; create 3 to 5 national green industry demonstration bases, add 20 green parks and 100 green factories, and exceed 1,000 provincial-level ecological towns (towns).

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