As of the end of October, 53,400 old communities in cities and towns have been renovated nationwide


As of the end of October, 53,400 new urban and old communities had been renovated nationwide, and the annual goal of "Newly Started and Renovated 53,000 Old and Urban Communities" set in the "Government Work Report" had been exceeded ahead of schedule.

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has issued the fourth batch of lists of reproducible policy mechanisms for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns. Focus on six aspects of the unscientific and unreasonable reconstruction plan of old communities in some local cities, insufficient overall coordination, inadequate mobilization of residents to build together, extensive construction organization, difficulty in establishing a long-term management mechanism, and difficulty in raising funds through multiple channels. A targeted summary of reproducible policy mechanisms and typical experience and practices for solving problems in various regions.

According to reports, with the smooth progress of the renovation of old communities in cities and towns across the country, the renovation work is progressing smoothly in the 100 communities that have been included in the contact points of the "I Do Practical Work for the Masses" practical activity of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. As of the end of October, 72% of the people in the contact point communities have resolved their outstanding problems.

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