Lu'an City in Anhui Province continues to explore new paths for green development in urban and rural construction


Since the beginning of this year, Lu'an City has firmly grasped the central point of green and ecological city construction, comprehensively promoted the in-depth development of green buildings, promoted the application of prefabricated construction methods, improved the energy efficiency of buildings, and continuously explored new paths for green development of urban and rural construction. The green development of the housing construction sector is moving towards high-standard construction and high-quality development. As of the end of November, the city's new building energy-saving design and construction implementation rate reached 100%.

In order to promote the development of green buildings and prefabricated buildings, Lu’an City has successively issued a series of policies including the Implementation Plan for the Vigorous Development of Prefabricated Buildings in Lu’an City, and the Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Pilot Construction of Green Eco-City in Lu’an City. It clarifies the guiding ideology, objectives, tasks, and implementation paths, and strengthens the organization, guidance, supervision and management of the implementation of green buildings, building energy efficiency standards, renewable energy building applications and prefabricated building promotion. Lu'an City, in combination with "two governance and three reforms", "city double repair" and other actions, takes the transformation of old communities as the starting point, and vigorously promotes the pilot projects of energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings. This year, a total of 103,800 square meters were renovated, and 12,800 square meters of existing public buildings were renovated actively. The energy consumption monitoring platform for existing state office buildings and large public buildings in Lu'an City has been basically completed, and real-time data collection and uploading have been realized, and the coverage of public building energy consumption monitoring has continued to expand.

At the same time, Lu'an City adheres to the green demonstration development concept of "point-to-surface, from part to overall", and vigorously develops provincial-level green building demonstrations in accordance with the method of planning, encouragement + service. Through the guidance of subsidy funds, from government investment to social investment, from point to surface, from part to the whole, guide the application of new technologies and new concepts in the field of construction. Actively summarize and refine the experience of green building promotion and demonstration, give full play to the leading role of demonstration projects, and promote the high-quality development of green buildings. As of the end of November, the city has successfully created 1 provincial-level green building demonstration project, 2 prefabricated building demonstration projects, 2 prefabricated building industrial bases, obtained 3 green building materials evaluation certificates, and organized the declaration of 3 provincial-level scientific plan projects.

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