The assembly rate reached 70%! The resettlement housing project in the Eastern New District of Chengdu was selected as a demonstration in the province


On November 23, the reporter learned from Chengdu Construction Engineering Group that the assembly rate of the second phase of the Luojia Village Community Project, Caochi Street, in the Eastern New District of Chengdu, was as high as 70%, and it has been selected as one of the 23 high-quality project demonstration "Cloud Viewing" projects in Sichuan.

It is understood that as a national standard A-level prefabricated building, this project is the first batch of demonstration projects with a high assembly rate of 70% in Sichuan Province. The planned total construction area of the project is about 302,000 square meters, the resettlement housing area is about 205,000 square meters, and the number of resettlement households is 2,206. It will become a new home for more than 2,000 local residents and one of the local livelihood projects with a large volume. .

"We strive to create a model of prefabricated ecological settlements in the Eastern New District, and promote the industrialization, digitalization, and intelligent upgrading of buildings." The person in charge of the project introduced that the project adopted a number of new technologies such as BIM-based on-site construction management information technology and Internet of Things-based labor management information technology.

Prefabricated buildings have become an important development direction for green buildings and intelligent construction. It is understood that since the 13th Five-Year Plan, Sichuan has added 300 million square meters of green buildings and 130 million square meters of prefabricated buildings. In this year, Sichuan's new prefabricated buildings will reach 54 million square meters.

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