Anhui: Encourage social capital to participate in the transformation of old communities


Recently, the Anhui Provincial Development and Reform Commission and the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development jointly issued a notice requesting all localities to strengthen the construction of supporting infrastructure for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns, and to do a good job in the investment related to the central budget of the affordable housing project. Old communities in cities and towns with many potential safety hazards, severe lack of supporting facilities, and strong people's willingness to renovate will be given priority to be included in the annual renovation plan.

Supporting facilities are severely lacking and prioritized to be included in the annual renovation plan

It will enter the new year in more than a month. The two departments require that all parts of the province further explore the shortcomings and potential safety hazards of supporting infrastructure for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns. The old communities in cities and towns with many potential safety hazards, serious lack of supporting facilities, and the masses' willingness to renovate shall be given priority to be included in the annual renovation plan, so that all the old communities that meet the scope of the renovation target shall be included.

At the same time, when compiling plans for the renovation of old communities, all localities should prioritize the transformation of gas, electricity, drainage, heating and other facilities with potential safety hazards, as well as livelihood facilities such as elderly care, childcare, parking, convenience, and charging piles, as the key content.

Encourage social capital

Participate in the renovation of old communities

The renovation of the old community involves a large amount of engineering and complicated affairs. It is very important that the financial guarantee can keep up. The two departments require that all localities coordinate local financial resources, and focus on arranging for the elimination of various hidden safety hazards in urban and old communities, improving drainage and waterlogging prevention capabilities, improving nursing facilities for the elderly, building parking lots and convenience facilities and other supporting infrastructure reforms in urban and old communities.

In addition, fulfill the responsibilities of professional business units such as water supply, drainage, gas, electricity, heating, etc., promote the role of development and policy financial institutions, actively encourage the participation of social capital, and raise funds through multiple channels. Starting this year, support the construction of directly related supporting facilities in and around the community, and not support the construction of separate urban sewage facilities and supporting pipe networks.

For investment projects within the central budget, we must rely on the national major construction project library to earnestly carry out daily scheduling, focusing on project start rate, total investment completion rate, investment in place and payment rate within the central budget, and project image progress. Strengthen supervision and rectification for issues such as slow project progress and poor implementation of investment plans.

Conditional community

Choose a professional service company to take over

In the relevant notice of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the verification and rectification of the problems in the reconstruction of old communities reported by the masses, the property services in Anhui Province are mainly unsustainable in some localities.

To this end, the two departments require all localities to implement reforms, draw inferences from one another, and select specialized service companies to take over after the completion of the transformation of qualified communities through a market-based approach.

At the same time, all localities must establish and improve the collection, use, and renewal system of special housing maintenance funds. Broaden the sources of funds, coordinate the common income of owners such as the operating income of public facilities, and ensure the follow-up capital needs for the management and maintenance of old urban communities.

Affordable housing project with mature preliminary work

Include in reserve

In terms of affordable housing projects, the two departments require all localities to speed up the implementation of investment plans within the central budget. On the basis of determining the various construction plans of the annual affordable housing project, we will step up the preparation of next year's project reserves, focusing on including the projects with mature and qualified preliminary work into the next year's reserve projects.

For counties (cities, districts) that have problems such as project failure to start construction as planned, idle funds, serious reduction or expansion of investment scale, and inclusion of project units on the list of serious untrustworthy entities in 2021 and previous years, the reasons should be analyzed and the problems should be found. Propose targeted solutions and methods to speed up the start of the project and the completion of the investment within the central budget.

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