By 2025, the total output value of the construction industry in Chengdu, Sichuan Province will reach 780 billion yuan


The reporter learned from the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for the Development of Chengdu's Construction Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") has been issued.

The "Planning" clarified the goal of the scale of construction industry development during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period: to realize the leap from a big construction city to a strong construction city. By 2025, the total output value of Chengdu's construction industry will reach 780 billion yuan, an average annual growth rate of 6% during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period; the added value of the city's construction industry will reach 175.6 billion yuan, accounting for 8% of the city's GDP. Continuously improve the construction industry technology and labor production efficiency. By 2025, the labor productivity will reach 480,000 yuan/person, and the construction equipment technology rate will reach 10,210 yuan/person.

"Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" Chengdu has completed cumulatively

The total output value of the construction industry is 2.55 trillion yuan

How is the development of Chengdu's construction industry during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period? It is summarized in the "Planning".

First of all, in terms of the scale of the construction industry, the scale of the construction industry is growing day by day. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Chengdu's total construction industry output value was 2.55 trillion yuan, the added value of the construction industry was 496.8 billion yuan, and tax revenue reached 101.1 billion yuan.

On the other hand, in terms of transforming construction methods, during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Chengdu has actively promoted the development of prefabricated buildings, with a total of nearly 100 million square meters of prefabricated buildings started. The assembly rate has been increased from 20%-30% to 30%-50%. It is listed as the first batch of prefabricated building demonstration cities in the country. 43 prefabricated production bases have been built (under construction), including 9 national demonstration bases and 12 provincial demonstration bases; the production capacity of prefabricated concrete parts reached 3.15 million cubic meters.

In terms of improving the performance and quality of green buildings, during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Chengdu completed the energy-saving renovation of existing public buildings of 2.43 million square meters. The "Chengdu Public Building Energy Consumption Monitoring Information System" was established, and the energy consumption monitoring of 69 public buildings totaling 2.86 million square meters was implemented. Green buildings fully cover the city’s newly acquired construction land projects, with a total area of over 200 million square meters, and have formed large-scale application results such as the Tianfu International Airport green area and Xinchuan green ecological city; 245 projects have obtained green building evaluation marks.

In terms of optimizing the business environment, during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Chengdu has further promoted the city's business reforms in the construction sector. It has successively issued and implemented the reform pilot 1.0 plan, optimized and upgraded 2.0 plan, and deepened reform 3.0 plan, and adopted a series of measures such as link reduction, cost reduction, and excellent service. Refine the types of construction projects from 2 to 11, reduce the number of approval departments from 25 to 10, streamline the approval items from 71 to 33, and reduce the total time for approval of the whole process from an average of 219 working days to less than 90 working days.

In addition, in terms of the development of construction enterprises, so far, Chengdu has 9 enterprises with an annual construction industry output value of more than 10 billion yuan and 1 enterprise with an annual output value of more than 30 billion yuan. In 2020, a total of 8 enterprises in the city will be selected as the "Top 100 Comprehensive Strength of China's Construction Industry in 2020".

Build industrial clusters by 2025

Build and form an industrial ecosystem of the construction industry

The "Plan" puts forward specific tasks and goals for the development of Chengdu's construction industry in terms of industrial structure, new building industrialization, and technological progress.

In terms of industrial structure, Chengdu will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, optimize the industrial structure, rationally allocate high-quality resources in the market, and promote large enterprises to become stronger and bigger. By 2025, the construction industry ecosystem will be formed, and build industrial clusters such as rail transit, construction machinery, new building materials, urban operation and maintenance, design consulting services, decoration and decoration, etc. The revenue of the construction manufacturing industry will reach 150 billion yuan, and the revenue of the construction service industry will reach 100 billion yuan.

In terms of the industrialization of new buildings, Chengdu will accelerate the industrialization of new buildings represented by prefabricated buildings, and establish a relatively complete prefabricated construction project policy system and technical standard system. By 2025, prefabricated buildings will account for 80% of new urban buildings that year.

In terms of scientific and technological progress, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Chengdu's construction industrialization, digitalization, and intelligence level should be significantly improved, the construction industry Internet platform has been initially established, and the industrial foundation, technical equipment, and scientific and technological innovation capabilities have been comprehensively improved. Break through a batch of key common technologies for smart construction, develop a batch of key technical equipment for smart construction, and build a batch of smart construction demonstration projects. By 2025, the cumulative number of provincial-level enterprise technology centers will reach 70, the cumulative number of national-level enterprise technology centers will reach 11, 500 new invention patents, and 20 national-level construction methods will be added.

In terms of quality and safety, it is necessary to form a competitive advantage of the "Chengdu Construction" brand. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, 550 projects won the Luban Award, Zhan Tianyou Award, National Excellence Award, and Tianfu Cup. Establish a people-oriented industry safety culture, and promote the informatization of engineering safety supervision and the standardization of engineering safety management. Ensure that 100% of construction workers achieve pre-job safety training.

In terms of improving the level of green development, by 2025, new civil buildings in cities and towns will implement no less than 70% energy-saving standards. Reduce the energy consumption level of existing buildings and promote the energy-saving renovation of existing public buildings. Accumulatively implemented energy-saving renovations of existing public buildings of no less than 2 million square meters, the city’s new building green building materials application rate reached 60%, and the construction waste resource utilization rate reached 50%.

In addition, in terms of team building, Chengdu will cultivate a group of outstanding entrepreneurs, high-quality technical and management experts and skilled craftsmen, as well as professional and technical talents, compound talents and high-skilled talents to meet the needs of engineering construction, and the scale of industrial workers will continue to expand. Strive to increase the proportion of mid- and intermediate-level workers at construction sites to more than 40% by 2025, and add more than 10,000 first-level constructors. Cultivate a group of self-owned workers of construction enterprises, and the lifelong vocational skills training and assessment system of construction workers are basically sound.

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