The "14th Five-Year" construction industry development plan in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province is released


The reporter learned from relevant parties that the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Construction Industry Development in Yangzhou City" was released. It is understood that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the construction industry of Yangzhou City will focus on the deployment of the new Yangzhou construction of "Strengthening, Prosperity, Beauty and High", insisting on promoting the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and upgrading the modernization level of the construction industry in the first place. It focuses on deepening the reform of the construction industry and enhancing the vitality of development, giving full play to the positive role of the construction industry in stimulating the economy, stimulating employment and serving the people's livelihood, and making greater contributions to the construction of the new Yangzhou "Strong, Prosperous, Beautiful and High".

Enhancing the economic aggregate, the city's annual output value of the construction industry reaches 600 billion yuan

The plan takes supply-side structural reform as the main line, uses systematic thinking, takes the transformation of project organization and management mode as the thrust, takes the inspiration of architectural design innovation as the lead, takes intelligent construction as the technical support, and takes the industrialization of new buildings as the industrial path, takes green construction as the development goal, deepens the reform of "delegation, management, and service" in the construction industry, and optimizes the business environment as a guarantee. Technological innovation and institutional innovation are driven by two wheels. Enhance the brand influence and gold content of the construction industry in Yangzhou City, improve the standardization level of the construction market, and provide strong support for the construction of a "strong, rich, beautiful and high" new Yangzhou.

The plan has established the overall goal of the city's construction industry development, and the city will accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, structural optimization, informatization, industrialization, and the construction of construction industrial parks. Efforts will be made to promote technological innovation and technological progress, improve the quality and skills of workers, and accelerate the construction of smart factories, digital construction sites, smart buildings and smart cities, and the construction industry will continue to improve quality and efficiency in an all-round way. By 2025, the scale index of the construction industry will continue to maintain the leading position in the province, and the efficiency index will reach the advanced level of the province. The annual output value of the city's construction industry will reach 600 billion yuan, an average annual growth of 6%; the profit rate of the construction industry output value will reach more than 5%, and the average annual salary of employees will reach more than 90,000 yuan. There are more than 30,000 constructors, and more than 2 national-level high-quality projects are created every year.

Persist in high-quality development and comprehensively build a first-class construction city in China

It is understood that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the city's construction industry will adhere to "high-quality" development, while continuing to grow the total economic output, achieve both quantity and quality, and comprehensively build a first-class construction city in the country.

Specifically, we will strive to build:

A high share of the external market. Actively develop the construction market outside Yangzhou, and realize the transformation from focusing on the domestic market to focusing on the international and domestic markets. By 2025, 10 markets with a scale of more than 10 billion yuan, 20 markets with a scale of more than 5 billion yuan, and 15 markets with a scale of more than 2 billion yuan will be established; the overseas market has a turnover of 600 million US dollars.

A high-level construction company. Focus on cultivating a group of large enterprises with high qualifications, strong core capabilities, strong financial strength, and obvious pillar roles to drive the development of the entire industry. By 2025, the city's construction enterprises will strive to reach 13 special-grade enterprises and 400 first-level qualification enterprises.

High level of technological innovation. Vigorously create an atmosphere of excellence and innovation, and continuously improve the level of quality excellence and technological innovation. Each year, there are more than 2 Luban Prizes and National Excellent Projects, more than 200 high-quality projects above the municipal level, and more than 200 provincial-level construction methods.

High-quality talent team. Build an army of knowledge-based, skill-based, and innovative industrial talents. By 2025, it has 30,000 first- and second-class construction engineers, more than 80,000 security personnel, quality inspectors, and other 8 personnel, and various technical and economic personnel up to 200,000, accelerating the formation of a new talent highland for the development of Yangzhou's construction industry.

Efficient market supervision. Further improve the awareness of quality and safety, strengthen on-site civilized construction management, supervise and regulate law enforcement in accordance with the law, resolutely prevent and eliminate major accidents, and ensure a stable production safety situation. To meet the needs of urban construction and engineering construction in Yangzhou, accelerate the establishment of a joint supervision mechanism for the construction market and the construction site, purify the construction market environment, and promote the healthy development of the construction industry.

Grasp the "Nine Focuses" and let "Internet +" and others be integrated and developed in the construction industry

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the city's construction industry will actively adapt to the new normal of current economic development, focusing on the main line of stabilizing growth, adjusting structure, promoting transformation, and preventing risks, and earnestly implement the policies of saving and intensive, energy saving and environmental protection, optimizing structure, and improving quality and efficiency. Innovate systems and mechanisms, optimize the industrial structure, strengthen market development, strengthen risk prevention, and further improve the quality of development of the construction industry, focusing on the "nine efforts."

Efforts to promote technological innovation. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, Yangzhou's construction industry will vigorously strengthen the construction of provincial and municipal enterprise technology centers, and deepen cooperation with universities and scientific research institutions. Accelerate the establishment of a market-oriented technology innovation system for the construction industry that combines production, education and research, actively develop high and new technologies, promote the application of advanced and applicable technologies, and continuously improve the technological content of building construction, and seek benefits from science and technology. At the same time, we will implement the integrated development of "Internet +" in the construction industry, transform and upgrade the traditional construction industry with Internet thinking, and realize the "three integrations" of standardization, informatization, and refined management of the construction industry. Promote the application of building information modeling (BIM) and other information technologies in the whole process of engineering technology, construction and operation and maintenance, vigorously promote advanced applicable technologies such as energy saving, emission reduction, and vibration reduction and isolation technology, rely on technological innovation to ensure project quality, and consolidate the foundation for technological progress in the construction industry.

Focus on optimizing the industrial structure. In terms of production structure, on the basis of consolidating and expanding the main business of civil engineering, guide construction enterprises to follow the idea of "one industry-oriented, diversified development", lengthen and thicken the industrial chain, and actively expand into industries that are highly related to civil engineering. Extend upstream and downstream, vigorously expand high-efficiency areas such as high-end equipment installation, information intelligence, municipal roads and bridges, ecological and environmental protection, and actively extend to comprehensive development, architectural design, building materials, consulting and other fields to increase the added value of the industrial chain.

Efforts to develop the industrialization of construction. Develop new building industrialization represented by prefabricated concrete structures and prefabricated steel structures, and accelerate the cultivation of a modern construction industry system suitable for the development of new building industrialization. Improve the production mode, increase the technological content, and promote the full renovation of buildings. Guide enterprises to gradually form technical systemization, design standardization, digitization of production, and intelligent installation in assembly decoration; prefabricated buildings and star-level green construction projects should promote full decoration, actively develop finished residences, and advocate menu-style full decoration.

In addition, efforts will be made to promote green buildings, cultivate leading enterprises, strengthen talent training, strengthen market development, change management models, focus on regulatory innovation, and promote faster and better development of the construction industry in Yangzhou.

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