The main structure of the first prefabricated price-limited house project in Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province was completed


The main structure of the first prefabricated price-limited house project in Keqiao District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province was completed

On August 31, at the site of the G-50 and G-51 price-limiting housing projects in Keqiao District, construction workers were installing exterior walls, doors and windows.

It is reported that the G-50 and G-51 plots of Keqiao District are located in Huashe Street, Keqiao District, with a total construction area of approximately 145,000 square meters and a total of 864 residential units. The construction of the project started in November 2018, benefiting the resettlement households of Humen Village, Huashe Street, Silk Road Widening Project, etc.

This project is the first price-limited housing project in Keqiao District to implement prefabricated construction. At present, 80% of the total project volume has been completed. The main structure has been completed, entering the external facade and off-site construction phase, and it is expected that the off-site intermediate structure will be completed by the end of the year.

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