Multi-departmental Chongqing Municipality jointly issued a pilot program to promote the coordinated development of the green construction industry and green finance


On November 9, according to the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee, it provided innovative green financial services, supported the green development of the construction industry, and achieved carbon peak and carbon neutral goals as scheduled. A few days ago, the Chongqing Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, the Chongqing Business Management Department of the People’s Bank of China, and the Chongqing Supervision Bureau of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission jointly formulated the "Chongqing Municipal Green Building Industry and Green Finance Coordinated Development Work Pilot Program" (hereinafter referred to as the "Program") . By 2025, the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 100%, the proportion of prefabricated buildings in Chongqing will be no less than 30%, and the proportion of green building materials should be no less than 70%.

The city’s prefabricated buildings account for no less than 30% of new buildings

The "Plan" pointed out that by 2025, the proportion of green buildings in urban new buildings will reach 100%, the number of star-rated green buildings will continue to increase, and the energy efficiency of new buildings will increase steadily. Existing buildings continue to improve their energy efficiency levels, ultra-low-energy buildings have achieved demonstration applications, civil buildings have continued to improve their health performance, and the proportion of clean and renewable energy applications has increased. The prefabricated buildings in Chongqing account for no less than 30% of new buildings, and the proportion of green building materials used is no less than 70%.

Explore and innovate the system and mechanism of green finance to support the green development of the construction industry, maintain the rapid growth of green credit in the construction sector, and gradually increase the proportion of the balance of green credit in the construction sector to more than 10%. Continue to strengthen insurance's protection function for the green development of the construction industry, and form experiences and models that can be replicated and promoted.

Carry out the construction of green building and green finance interconnection demonstration projects, and build a batch of green finance support green building demonstration projects in the core areas and key areas of the green finance reform pilot zone.

Incorporate green buildings into the scope of integrity supervision in the construction and financial industries

In order to effectively promote the green development of the construction industry, Chongqing will focus on improving the quality of green building construction, improve the energy efficiency of new buildings, strengthening the application of green building materials, strengthening the renovation and function enhancement of existing buildings, promoting the integrated development of green buildings and building industrialization, and improving the green building industry supervision and evaluation mechanism.

First, further improve the relevant standards of green buildings, establish and improve the management system of green buildings, strengthen the management of the whole process of green buildings, and gradually realize the full coverage of green buildings in new urban buildings.

At the same time, explore and carry out pilot demonstrations of building solar photovoltaic applications. We will steadily advance research on suitable technology paths for ultra-low energy, near-zero energy, and low-carbon (zero-carbon) buildings, strengthen near-zero energy and low-carbon products and technical support, and carry out pilot projects for near-zero energy and low-carbon building demonstration projects.

Combining with the transformation of old communities in cities and towns, explore energy-saving and livable comprehensive transformation models that promote energy-saving transformation and community public environment improvement, old-age facilities transformation, infrastructure and building use function enhancement transformation, and explore economical, green and environmentally friendly technical routes. Combined with sponge city construction and other work, coordinate the promotion of water-saving renovation of existing residential buildings.

And build a regulatory system of government guidance, information disclosure, credit evaluation, and social supervision, and incorporate green buildings and related industry entities into the scope of integrity supervision in the construction industry and the financial industry.

Support housing provident fund depositors to purchase two-star and above green buildings

The "Plan" proposes that Chongqing will formulate the "Chongqing City Green Financial Services Green Building Guidelines." Under the premise of complying with relevant national policies, guide financial institutions in Chongqing Municipality to provide green building project construction units with a series of differentiated financial services for the whole life cycle of green building design, construction, renovation and consumption, and improve the efficiency of financial services for the green building industry.

In view of the different characteristics of green building design, construction, operation and renovation stages, innovative financial products such as "green building design loan", "green building construction loan", "green building operation loan", and "green building renovation loan" are innovated. Support residents' reasonable green building consumption needs, explore and innovate products and services aimed at green building consumption, and actively carry out green building housing leasing financial service innovation.

In order to promote the green development of the construction industry, the "Plan" also clarified a series of policy supporting measures. For example: actively use national and local energy-saving funds to support the development of green buildings and related industries. Support housing provident fund depositors to purchase two-star and above green buildings. Improve the way green and ecological residential quarters enjoy tax incentives, and study and implement measures to include Chongqing's green building label projects in the tax incentives support for the development of the western region in accordance with the "Catalogue of Encouraged Industries in the Western Region".

Financial regulatory authorities give appropriate policy inclination to financial institutions to support green building and related industry pilot projects. On the basis of ensuring the stable and healthy development of the real estate market, monetary policy tools such as rediscounting are used to support the green development of the construction industry. At the same time, improve the green finance evaluation mechanism of financial institutions, and strengthen the disclosure of financial institutions' climate and environmental information.

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