Shaoxing City Construction Bureau of Zhejiang Province takes multiple measures to further strengthen the quality control of precast concrete components


In recent years, Shaoxing City has vigorously promoted the development of prefabricated buildings and achieved a successful leap from pilot to demonstration. As of the end of 2020, the city has started a total of 31.39 million square meters of prefabricated buildings, accounting for 30% of new buildings. With the steady progress of prefabricated buildings, the demand for prefabricated concrete components in the city's prefabricated buildings has also increased day by day, and prefabricated component manufacturers have also sprung up. From the only Zhejiang Baoye Modern Construction Industrial Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in 2013, it has gradually expanded to 20 companies throughout the city, with an annual design capacity of 1.6 million cubic meters. Among them, there are 12 companies that exceed 100,000 cubic meters. In 2020, the actual production capacity of the city's prefabricated component manufacturers has reached 1.1 million cubic meters. Since the beginning of this year, in order to comprehensively strengthen the quality control of prefabricated components and effectively improve the quality of engineering construction, the Municipal Construction Bureau has actively implemented the instructions of the city leaders, coordinated with the Municipal Market Supervision Administration, and implemented multiple measures simultaneously, and various tasks have been carried out in an orderly manner.

Establish special work classes to form a supervisory force. The Municipal Construction Bureau took the lead in "demonstrating first" and "leading the province", and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau established a special class of "Joint Supervision on the Quality of Prefabricated Building Products in Shaoxing City", formed a joint inspection team, and formed a long-term joint supervision mechanismand, comprehensively plan the quality control of prefabricated components. With the model of "high standing", "clear responsibilities", "detailed tasks" and "strict inspection", strictly implement the main responsibilities of the special class, promote the "three responsibilities" of supervisory responsibility, main responsibility and law enforcement responsibility, and form a joint force for supervisory work.

Issue policy documents to unify management and control standards. On the basis of the "Interim Provisions on the Quality Management of Parts and Components of Prefabricated Concrete Buildings in Shaoxing City" issued in 2019, the working class jointly formulated and issued the "Notice on Strengthening the Quality Control of Prefabricated Concrete Components in Prefabricated Buildings" and the supporting "Inspection Standards for Manufacturing Enterprises of Prefabricated Concrete Components in Shaoxing City" (hereinafter referred to as "Inspection Standards"). It basically fills the gaps in the current standard management standards for prefabricated component manufacturers, and urges companies to benchmark production to a greater extent, and strengthen quality control. Among them, in accordance with the "Inspection Standards", enterprises are classified into Class I (standardized production enterprises), Class II (basically standardized production enterprises), and Class III (production enterprises with serious hidden dangers). Forcing manufacturers of prefabricated components to improve their standardized management and develop in the direction of normalization, scale, standardization, and automation.

Carry out special inspections and normalize the working mechanism. As of the end of June, in contrast to the newly promulgated "Inspection Standards", the special work class has carried out joint special inspections on 20 prefabricated component manufacturers in the city and 5 foreign prefabricated component manufacturers that have entered the Shaoxing market. Based on the results of the inspection, the working class issued a "red card warning" to 7 Class III companies, ordered rectification, and required the rectification situation to be reported to the territorial authorities. Conducted serious interviews with 5 large-scale prefabricated component manufacturers in Shaoxing that had commissioned processing, issued a rectification order within a time limit, and demanded that the commissioned processing be stopped immediately. The relevant persons in charge of the interviewed enterprises all conducted in-depth reviews and issued a "military order": We must learn lessons deeply, resolutely make rectifications in place, and put an end to such behaviors. And timely organize and convene the city's prefabricated building prefabricated component production enterprise quality inspection briefing to further clarify the main responsibility of the territorial construction administrative supervisor and the market supervision department, and further consolidate the supervisory responsibilities of the territorial prefabricated component manufacturer. At the same time, the joint general inspection will be formed into a normalized mechanism, and special inspections will be carried out twice in the first and second half of each year in the future. In addition, irregular inspections are used to increase spot checks on prefabricated component manufacturing enterprises’ laboratory management, technical staffing, and raw material inspection and acceptance, dynamically assess the types of enterprises, and publish the inspection results to the public to be supervised by the public.

Implement hierarchical control and build a healthy market. Based on the semi-annual inspection results, the special work class implements hierarchical management and control of different types of enterprises, strengthens supervision of type II enterprises, and focuses on supervision of type III enterprises, increases the frequency of random inspections, and strictly controls acceptance. And promptly issue warnings to the society, and gradually form a big environment where there is a market for good quality and no market for poor quality, and guide the prefabricated component production enterprises to move closer to the track of regularization, health and order. At the same time, the production enterprises that have violations of laws and regulations regarding the quality of prefabricated component products shall be strictly dealt with in accordance with the law. In addition, in order to deepen the joint management and control mechanism, build a new pattern of joint management and control, and build a new platform for the complementary advantages of cross-city prefabricated component quality management and control, and sharing and co-governance, our city first communicates with relevant departments in neighboring cities such as Hangzhou and Ningbo. And guide the industry alliance and local industry associations to cooperate with each other, check and inform each other, and jointly discuss the quality control mode and implementation standards of prefabricated components. And strive to achieve the goal of mutual recognition of prefabricated component quality inspection results as soon as possible, and continue to promote the quality control of prefabricated components to a wider range, broader field, and deeper level.

Innovate the supervision model and explore the digitization of components. Make full use of various information technology platforms and digital means to strictly implement the on-site inspection of parts and components and the quality inspection of the construction and installation process, strengthen the quality management of the whole process of parts and components, and realize the quality tracking, positioning, maintenance and responsibility traceability of the whole process. At the same time, learn from the advantages of centralized supervision of the "smart construction site" management system, explore the application of the "Internet of Things + Internet" information supervision system, to achieve precise intelligent control of the entire chain of prefabricated components and improve efficiency.

Up to now, Shaoxing City Construction Bureau has taken multiple measures to further strengthen the quality control of prefabricated components and has achieved initial results. After the joint special inspection and re-examination of the special work class, a number of prefabricated component manufacturers have implemented the rectification work. Significant enhancements have been made to the configuration of laboratory equipment, the implementation of management systems, the improvement of the quality assurance system, the compilation of technical data, the allocation and training of personnel. Manufacturing companies that had commissioned processing also immediately stopped commissioning processing after being interviewed; two of them with poor product quality have shut down their operations due to pressure from standardized management and high-quality requirements.

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