The first batch of prefabricated sheds converted to relocation houses completed in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province


On November 5th, the Zhanggong District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau reviewed the completion acceptance filing materials declared for the construction project of the reconstruction and resettlement housing in the urban shanty town of Yangpoxiang (Tukang Community). Upon review, the completion acceptance filing materials are complete, and the completion acceptance filing procedures have been handled in accordance with the law.

According to reports, the project is located in the old city of Hetao, on the south side of the Xijiao Road campus of Yangming Primary School and consists of 4 plots. The project officially started on April 29, 2019. It was constructed by Zhanggong District Construction Investment Group Company. The total construction area is 8214.64 square meters. There are 47 motorized parking spaces and 176 non-motorized parking spaces, which can solve the resettlement needs of 92 demolition households. .

It is understood that this project is the first batch of shed conversion and relocation projects using prefabricated buildings in Ganzhou, and it is included in the list of "I do practical things for the people" of Zhanggong District Construction Investment Group Company and the list of key projects completed in 2021. Zhanggong District Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. has learned history and worked hard, and through multi-party coordination, it has overcome multiple problems such as land acquisition and demolition and planning adjustment, speeded up the construction progress, and successfully achieved the task goal of completion acceptance and filing in November 2021. The smooth delivery of the project has played a demonstrative role in further exploration of new models of construction industrialization and informatization, and is of great significance for improving the quality of the urban human settlement environment in Ganzhou. In the next step, the project will be transferred to the Nanwai Sub-district Office of Zhanggong District for distribution.

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