The Finance Bureau of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province promotes the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry for high-quality development


In recent years, the Nanchang Municipal Finance Bureau has resolutely implemented the decisions and deployments of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, actively exerted its fiscal functions, provided a number of policy incentives and fiscal and tax support, and attracted large-scale high-quality construction companies to enter Nanchang. Encourage local construction companies to become bigger and stronger, help the high-quality development of the construction industry in Nanchang, and strive to achieve the development goal of exceeding 800 billion yuan in total output value of the construction industry by 2025.

Give support for settlement

In order to encourage large-scale high-quality enterprises to settle in Nanchang, Nanchang City provides strong support for settlement. For the settled enterprises whose construction industry output value and local financial contribution reached the established standard in the previous year, a one-time reward will be given, up to 10 million yuan. Newly settled enterprises that meet the conditions can be rewarded at 100% of the local fiscal contribution for the first two years from the year when they are settled, and 50% of the local fiscal contribution for the next three years. In addition, senior management personnel who settled in the enterprise can also enjoy contribution rewards, and at the same time enjoy the same treatment as local residents in terms of house purchase, children's education, and medical security, which fully solves the worries of high-level talents.

Clear reward mechanism

In order to develop the industrialization of new-type buildings, improve the development level of prefabricated buildings in Nanchang, and support enterprises in Laichang to invest in prefabricated industrial bases. A one-time subsidy of 1.5 million yuan and 800,000 yuan will be given to the prefabricated construction industry bases approved by the national and provincial housing construction departments. For local construction companies whose output value of the construction industry in the current year and the local financial contribution in Chang’s year meet the established standards, they can be rewarded and supported at 15% of the increase in the local financial contribution of the company over the previous year. Among them: 9% give corporate rewards, and 6% give corporate senior management team personal rewards. In order to encourage local construction companies to become better and stronger, and to enhance the overall level and core competitiveness of construction companies in Nanchang, a one-time reward of up to 1 million yuan will be given to local construction companies that are selected for the first time among China's top 500 and China's top 100 comprehensive strength in construction industry. Local construction companies that have won the highest award in the national industry for projects undertaken by local construction companies will receive a reward of 1 million yuan for each project. Enterprises that have won provincial and municipal quality engineering awards can also be rewarded based on the status of relevant awards. At the same time, for local construction companies that are promoted to special-level qualifications for the first time, the maximum reward can reach 1 million yuan.

Implement tax concessions

In order to encourage technological innovation in construction enterprises, increase research and development efforts, promote the integration of production, education, research and application, and promote construction enterprises to improve quality and efficiency. Encourage the development and application of new technologies, new processes, and new materials, and accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Research and development expenses incurred by construction enterprises can be deducted before tax according to the income tax policy. The new wall materials listed in the "Catalogue of New Wall Materials Enjoying the VAT Refund Policy" that are sold by manufacturers of prefabricated parts and components can enjoy the preferential policy of VAT rebate upon collection in accordance with national regulations.

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