Many provinces across the country introduced pilot projects and supporting policies for rural fabricated steel structures


2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and the comprehensive promotion and development of prefabricated buildings is still one of the key tasks. Many provinces across the country have issued prefabricated building policies and work points. Up to now, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Henan, Guangdong and other provinces have issued plans to carry out pilot projects of prefabricated steel structure farm houses in rural areas to help build beautiful rural life.



In 2021, 54 million square meters of prefabricated buildings will be newly started in the province, including 500,000 square meters of steel structure residential buildings. Among the newly started prefabricated buildings in each city (state), the projects with an assembly rate of more than 50% should reach more than 20%. 10 new prefabricated construction industrial bases were added in the province.

The pilot cities should sum up the pilot experience, improve the development quality of prefabricated buildings, and actively promote the use of prefabricated technology in roads, bridges, underground pipe corridors, foundation pit support and other projects. Non-pilot cities should increase policy support, accelerate the development of prefabricated buildings, and cultivate a group of key prefabricated building enterprises. The assembly rate of government-invested or led engineering projects should reach more than 50%, and the assembly rate of social-funded projects should not be lower than the minimum requirements of the "Assembly Rate Calculation Rules for Prefabricated Buildings in Sichuan Province". Public buildings, affordable housing, talent apartments, rental housing and rural housing should actively promote steel structure prefabricated buildings.


According to the requirements of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, by 2025, the new building industrialization policy system and industrial system will be basically established, and prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of new buildings. At the same time, in the pilot projects of rural dilapidated house renovation, rural earthquake-resistant renovation, and farm house construction, the construction of steel-structure prefabricated farm houses should be promoted in accordance with local conditions.

By 2035, the coordinated development of intelligent construction and the industrialization of new buildings in our province will achieve remarkable results, the innovation ability of enterprises has been greatly improved, the overall advantages of the industry have been significantly enhanced, the level of "Shaanxi Intelligent Construction" is at the forefront of the country, and the industrialization of new buildings has been fully realized.



Shanxi Province guides and promotes the high-quality development of prefabricated buildings and the industrialization of new buildings in our province. The party committee of the department has studied and planned to give special funds for high-standard prefabricated residential projects implemented in the past three years.

Prefabricated residential projects applying for special funds should meet the following conditions at the same time:

(1) Prefabricated residential projects under construction or completion in the past 3 years (February 10, 2018 to February 10, 2021);

(2) No quality safety accident has occurred, and promised to complete the project on time or have completed the acceptance check;

(3) The assembly rate reaches more than 60%.

The provincial department organizes experts to review and conduct on-site verification of the declared projects. If the requirements are met, a one-time bonus will be given according to the actual building area of the prefabricated residential building, and a special fund will be issued.


Hebei Province proposed to vigorously implement the quality improvement project of rural housing construction and promote the construction of new livable rural housing. Five provincial-level rural housing construction pilot counties (cities) in She County of Handan City, Qian'an City of Tangshan City, Wei County and Neiqiu County of Xingtai City, and Anping County of Hengshui City implemented the pilot construction guidelines. Formulate an annual pilot program, actively promote new construction methods such as steel structure prefabricated farm houses, and build a batch of livable model farm houses. Each city selects a county (city, district) to carry out the pilot work of rural housing construction to play a demonstrative and leading role. Support and guide qualified and willing farmers to build passive farm houses.


The province's construction industrialization work must fully implement the province's housing and urban-rural construction work conference arrangements, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, promote the coordinated development of intelligent construction and construction industrialization, and improve the quality and efficiency of the development of prefabricated buildings. Strengthen the construction of application scenarios of intelligent construction and construction industrialization, strengthen the collaborative work between upstream and downstream of intelligent construction, form an industrial chain covering design, production, construction, and technical services, and create a new format of industrial integration. Promote the implementation of project construction and ensure that the proportion of newly started prefabricated buildings in the newly built building area continues to remain above 30% throughout the year. By the end of 2021, the newly-started steel structure prefabricated residential buildings in Hangzhou, Ningbo, and Shaoxing cities will each have an area of more than 400,000 square meters, and the non-pilot areas will be guided to develop steel structure prefabricated residential projects.



The target of prefabricated buildings in Hubei Province in 2021 is 22.4 million square meters, including 11 million square meters in Wuhan City, 2.4 million square meters in Xiangyang City, 2.4 million square meters in Yichang City, and 700,000 square meters each in Jingmen City, Jingzhou City, Huanggang City, Xiaogan City and Shiyan City. Huangshi City, Ezhou City, Xianning City, Enshi Prefecture, and Suizhou City each have 500,000 square meters, and Xiantao City, Tianmen City, and Qianjiang City each have 200,000 square meters. It is required to adhere to and implement the bimonthly reporting system and improve the ledger; it is necessary to report all the projects that apply the prefabricated construction method in residential buildings, public buildings, industrial buildings, and municipal infrastructure projects. Do a good job in the expansion of the prefabricated building market, application expansion, and promote the development of prefabricated steel structure residences; the Shennongjia forest area should actively promote the development of steel structure buildings and modern wood structure buildings in accordance with regional characteristics.


In construction projects such as government-funded affordable housing, rural poverty alleviation and relocation, centralized resettlement projects, and other construction projects, the application of steel structure prefabricated housing is prioritized. Actively guide and encourage social investment in commercial residences and self-built houses of rural residents to gradually adopt steel structure prefabrication construction, encourage prefabricated buildings to take precedence in key areas and leading enterprises, and actively and steadily promote the construction of pilot projects of steel structure prefabricated houses. Promote the prefabricated steel structure rural houses in the pilot projects of rural housing construction, dilapidated house renovation, and earthquake-resistant renovation.



Explore and promote the innovation of steel structure prefabricated housing construction systems, mechanisms and models, and give play to the demonstration and driving role of government investment or leading projects. Guide projects such as poverty alleviation and relocation, beach area relocation, beautiful village construction, rural housing construction pilot projects, rural dilapidated house renovation, and rural housing seismic renovation pilot projects to take the lead in popularizing steel structure prefabricated houses. Guide Henan Province’s rural dilapidated house renovation, pilot farm house earthquake-resistant renovation, ex-situ poverty alleviation and resettlement, beautiful village construction, rural housing construction pilot project and other projects to take the lead in promoting steel structure prefabricated houses, and explore the construction of 1-2 steel structure rural housing demonstration villages by 2022.


By the end of 2022, the newly started area of prefabricated buildings will account for 30% of the total newly built building area; by 2025, the newly started area of prefabricated buildings will account for 40% of the newly built building area; vigorously develop prefabricated buildings. Encourage development companies to build one or several municipal benchmark prefabricated and green buildings, as a demonstration project to lead the city's high-quality development of prefabricated buildings and green buildings. In principle, public buildings adopt the steel structure prefabricated construction method, and actively promote the application of steel structure prefabricated housing in affordable housing, resettlement housing, commercial housing, etc., and guide rural residents to use steel structure to build prefabricated housing in accordance with local conditions.

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