Guangzhou Zengcheng District Quality and Prefabricated Building Observation Meeting was successfully held


On October 29, the "2021 Guangzhou Zengcheng District Quality and Prefabricated Building Observation Meeting" co-sponsored by Guangzhou Zengcheng District Housing and Construction Bureau and Guangzhou Construction Industry Federation and undertaken by China Construction Fourth Bureau Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. was held at the commercial housing development project in the north plot of Zhucun Station, Guangzhou.

The observation attracted a total of more than 200 representatives from the Municipal Construction Industry Federation, the Zengcheng District Housing and Construction Bureau, directly affiliated units, and the Municipal Real Estate Industry Association.

The observation group visited 4 display areas including the model guide road area, the three-story physical quality model area, the underground integrated pipeline and the floor wall model area, and the safety experience area. Through a variety of methods such as expert explanation and answering questions, exhibition board introduction, field experience, etc., I concentrated on understanding the project's assembly-style features and quality results.

According to reports, the project innovatively uses dozens of advanced technology and construction methods to strengthen quality control and construction safety management, and has obvious advantages in smart construction, scientific and technological management, wallboard engineering and other assembly applications. Earlier, in the second quarter of 2021 quality and safety civilized construction inspection in Zengcheng District, Guangzhou City, he was awarded the honorary title of "Construction Site for General Reporting" issued by the District Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau.

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