Hebei Province will basically establish a new type of construction industrialization policy mechanism by 2025



Recently, nine departments including the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings." It is proposed that by 2025, the new building industrialization policy mechanism will be basically established, the standardization of building design and the standardization of parts and components will be significantly improved, and the goals of building quality and efficiency will be significantly improved.

According to opinions, by 2025, Hebei's urban green buildings will account for 100% of the newly built building area, prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of the newly built building area, and the cumulative construction of passive ultra-low energy buildings will exceed 13.4 million square meters. By 2035, systematic integrated design and lean production and construction will be widely used, enterprises' technological innovation capabilities will be greatly improved, information technology and the construction industry will be deeply integrated, the construction industry will enter a new stage of green development, and the industrialization of new buildings will achieve high-quality development.

The opinions put forward 7 key tasks to strengthen systematic integrated design, optimize the production of parts and components, promote lean construction, improve the quality of engineering projects, accelerate the development of information technology integration, strengthen scientific and technological support, and accelerate the cultivation of professional talents. Actively promote prefabricated concrete structures in affordable housing and commercial housing, and encourage the promotion and application of prefabricated internal partition walls, prefabricated stair slabs and prefabricated floor slabs in various places. Expand the scale of star-rated green buildings. For government-invested or government-invested buildings, large public buildings with a building area of more than 20,000 square meters, and residential communities with a building area of more than 100,000 square meters shall be constructed in accordance with green building standards higher than the lowest level. By 2025, newly-built star-rated green buildings in cities and towns will account for more than 50% of the newly-built green building area.

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