Qingdao City, Shandong Province Highlights "Three Focuses" and Accelerates the Construction of Smart Construction Sites



In order to promote scientific and technological innovation in the construction field of Qingdao, improve the digital level of engineering construction, drive the transformation of the construction industry's production methods and supervision models, and accelerate the modernization of the housing construction system management system and governance capabilities, Qingdao has adopted a variety of effective measures. Actively carry out the construction of smart chemical sites, and strive to build a benchmark for the province's "smart housing construction".

1. Focus on financial support and strengthen policy incentives

The General Office of Qingdao Municipal People's Government is requested to issue the "Sixteen Measures for Promoting the High-quality Development of the Construction Industry in Qingdao" to comprehensively promote the high-quality development of the construction industry. It is clear that in the pilot and promotion stage of smart chemical sites, a one-time financial reward will be directly given to smart chemical sites that have reached the corresponding rating, so as to stimulate and mobilize the enthusiasm for the construction of smart chemical sites. The introduction of the above-mentioned measures marks Qingdao becoming the first city in the country to support the construction of a smart chemical industry with financial funds.

2. Focus on the top-level design and refine the advancement path

In March of this year, the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development took the lead in formulating and issuing the "Qingdao City Construction Engineering Smart Chemical Site Construction Implementation Plan (Trial)" and held a city-wide construction engineering smart chemical site construction promotion meeting. It has successively issued the "Smart Chemical Site Construction Standards" and "Smart Chemical Site Evaluation Standards" to guide the city's smart chemical site construction work and ensure the standardized development of smart construction sites. In order to speed up the construction of Qingdao's smart chemical site, the development and construction of the first phase of Qingdao's smart chemical site management service platform has been basically completed and has been put into operation. Qingdao’s "Wisdom Chemical Land Interface Specification" is also being gradually improved, striving to truly open up data islands in the shortest possible time and realize the interconnection and intercommunication between management systems. Form comprehensive statistics and analysis capabilities for data, and provide important data support for the management of governments, industries, enterprises, and projects.

3. Focus on stratification and grading, and advance in a solid and orderly manner

Focusing on the normal and long-term promotion of the city's construction of smart chemical sites for construction projects, the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has formulated a three-year work plan, which will be gradually advanced through five stages. Strive to build 30 AAA-level smart chemical sites, 50 AA-level smart chemical sites, and 80 A-level smart chemical sites in the city by the end of 2021, forming a construction layout with multiple blossoms and cascading advancements. At the end of 2023, a smart chemical site management system with the city's smart chemical site system integration platform as the core will be established, and digital technology will be used to promote the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry, improve quality and efficiency, and further promote the high-quality development of Qingdao's construction industry.

In the next step, Qingdao City will conscientiously sort out the difficulties and problems in the progress of work, and sum up experience in a timely manner. Take targeted measures to strengthen the coordination of departments, speed up the construction of smart chemical sites in the city, and build a data warehouse covering information on personnel, enterprises, quality, safety, and green construction throughout the city. Basically possess high-latitude statistics, analysis, and judgment capabilities, perform Qingdao's responsibility for the construction of smart chemical sites in the province, and contribute to the digital transformation of Qingdao and even the province's construction industry.

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