Build a house like a car? When you come to this base in Guizhou Province, you will understand


"What is it about building a house like a car, and how is the quality and safety of the project guaranteed? Observation will give us a more comprehensive and intuitive understanding." Recently, the Guizhou Province Prefabricated Green Building Observation Meeting was held in Huaxi District, Guiyang City. A number of technical managers, business representatives and other relevant practitioners from the housing construction system in the province visited the China State Construction Technology Guizhou Green Building Industrial Park located in the Yanlou Town Industrial Park, Huaxi District, to learn about prefabricated green buildings and focus on “new construction to improve engineering quality and safety”.

The observation meeting was jointly sponsored by the Guizhou Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Huaxi District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Guiyang City, and was undertaken by China State Construction Technology Guizhou Co., Ltd.

It is understood that China State Construction Guizhou Green Industrial Park is a prefabricated building demonstration base constructed in 2019, and it is currently the largest prefabricated PC factory in the southwest region with the most complete product elements. It mainly supplies prefabricated wall panels, prefabricated stairs, prefabricated composite walls and other concrete prefabricated components for the construction market. The products basically cover prefabricated building components, and the designed annual output value can reach 1 billion yuan.

Prefabricated beams, prefabricated panels, prefabricated walls, prefabricated stairs, prefabricated integrated toilets... In the PC factory in the park, the display of related prefabricated products shows the complete "parts" of China State Construction Technology's prefabricated buildings. These "parts" can be assembled and installed to build houses in an assembly line like a car. After visiting the production process of "parts", representatives of the observation group expressed that they had an intuitive understanding of the production of prefabricated building components in the factory.

At the smart construction site of the digital agriculture project in the park, the observation group visited the VR smart education hall, safety model display area, quality model display area, integrated house office area, prefabricated flag stands and project building display area. Afterwards, the observation group entered the building display area to learn more about smart site implementation, prefabricated construction, as well as the specific installation and practical application of prefabricated parts and components, and learned about the technical practice and technological content of the new construction method.

"Assembled buildings are like building a house like a car, and the parts produced by the PC factory are carefully assembled to become a product-a house. The prefabricated green buildings implemented by China State Construction Technology Co., Ltd. set a benchmark for promoting new construction innovation and improving project quality and safety in the future, and played a leading and demonstrative role. "Xie Wenhui, head of the Quality Supervision Station of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guizhou Province, said that through industrial exhibitions and project observations, this event established an exchange platform for improving the quality of projects with new construction methods and informatization methods. Guizhou Province's prefabricated buildings were promoted. The integrated development of the industrial chain has promoted the improvement of project quality and safety in an all-round way.

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