Anhui Intelligent Construction and Prefabricated Building Research Institute was officially inaugurated and established


On the afternoon of October 18th, the unveiling ceremony of the Anhui Intelligent Construction and Prefabricated Building Research Institute jointly built by Anhui University of Science and Technology and Anhui Construction Engineering Group Holdings Co., Ltd. was held in Anhui Provincial Institute of Architectural Research and Design. School Party Secretary Guo Yongcun, School Party Committee Deputy Secretary and President Yuan Liang, Academician Chen Xiangsheng, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor of Shenzhen University, and Zhao Shiyun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Anhui Construction Engineering Group Holding Co., Ltd. attended the ceremony and jointly unveiled the institute. Liu Jiajing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Anhui Construction Engineering Group Holdings Co., Ltd., Yu Baotao, Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee and Executive Vice President, Zheng Mingdong, Vice President, and Yan Hongxin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hefei Design and Research Institute of Coal Industry, attended the unveiling ceremony. Liu Jiajing presided over the ceremony.

Yuan Liang expressed his gratitude to Anhui Construction Engineering Group for its support to the construction and development of the school over the years, and introduced the overall development of the school and the school's achievements in national platform construction, discipline construction, and scientific research in recent years. He emphasized that the establishment of the research institute is a "strong alliance" between the school and the enterprise. It must focus on the concept of "reform, openness, and innovation", and find the integration point of intelligent construction and prefabricated buildings. Focus on "big projects, big teams, big results", promote cross-disciplinary collaboration, form a national-level team, strengthen the organization of the institute, and improve the management system and operating mechanism. Increase open exchanges, promote the integration process of production, education, research and application, strive to improve the ability to transform scientific research results, and promote the application of high-tech. He hopes to use this inauguration as an opportunity to further promote the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise integration, give full play to the school's scientific research advantages and talent advantages, focus on the actual needs of enterprises, strengthen in-depth exchanges and cooperation, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results for both schools and enterprises, and contribute to the economic and social development of Anhui Province.

Academician Chen Xiangsheng expressed his warm congratulations on the inauguration of the Institute. He hoped that the two sides of the co-construction team will find their own positioning, choose a good research direction, and give full play to the advantages of school-enterprise cooperation. Transform more scientific and technological innovation achievements into high-quality development momentum, and strive to create a national demonstration of prefabricated engineering research.

Zhao Shiyun expressed his gratitude and welcome to the leaders and experts participating in the meeting, and introduced the business development, industrial sector and technological innovation of Anhui Construction Engineering Group. He pointed out that the group is in a critical period of reform and development, and the Institute came into being at the right time. It is not only related to the group's current reform and development, transformation and upgrading, but also related to the group's future long-term development. He said that it will closely focus on the need for high-quality development of the joint construction of the research institute, effectively fulfill the main responsibility of the research institute construction and management, provide personnel, funds and facilities for the smooth operation of the research institute, and accelerate the formation of research "capacity". Make every effort to improve the level of running the institute, strive to build a first-class research institute for intelligent construction and prefabricated buildings inside and outside the province, and contribute to the development of the prefabricated building intelligent construction industry in our province.

Before the symposium, the participants visited the Anhui Jianke Door, Window and Curtain Wall Laboratory and the Provincial Key Laboratory of Green Building and Prefabricated Construction.

The heads of Anhui Construction Engineering Group and related units of the school participated in the activity.

Anhui Intelligent Construction and Prefabricated Building Research Institute is a school-enterprise cooperative scientific research institution led by Anhui University of Science and Technology and Anhui Construction Engineering Group Holdings Co., Ltd. Give full play to the advantages and characteristics of key provincial universities and industry-leading enterprises, and gather high-end talents and technical forces across the country on the basis of traditional industry upgrading, strategic new industry cultivation, talent training, and achievement transformation. Carry out research based on prefabricated buildings, intelligent equipment and construction, digital technology and BIM applications, ecological environment, industrial development strategies, industry-university-research cooperation and industrial incubation, improve the level of scientific and technological application research, and transform scientific research results. Accelerate the incubation and cultivation of new materials and other industrial ecological clusters, form a good demonstration effect, and build a first-class scientific research and innovation highland, high-end talent training and industrial incubation base. The establishment of the Institute can effectively promote the construction of the school's peak disciplines and provide support for the school's creation of world-class disciplines and domestic first-class high-level universities.

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