As of the end of 2020, the country’s cumulative green building area reached 6.645 billion square meters


Tian Guomin, Director of the Standards and Quotas Department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said on October 25 that through the joint efforts of all regions, China's green building development has achieved remarkable results. As of the end of 2020, the country's cumulative green building area has reached 6.645 billion square meters.

Recently, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Green Development of Urban and Rural Construction" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which was formally disclosed to the public on October 21. On the 25th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on the "Opinions". Tian Guomin made the above statement when answering questions from reporters.

Tian Guomin said that China's green building work started at the beginning of this century, about 30 years later than developed countries, but the pace of development is very fast. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has successively issued more than 20 engineering construction standards such as the "Civil Building Green Design Code" and "Green Building Evaluation Standards". It provides technical support for green evaluation of various civil buildings, as well as green design, green construction, and green renovation. At the same time, normative documents such as the "Measures for the Evaluation and Management of Green Buildings" and the "Measures for the Management of Green Building Marks" were issued. Up to now, a promotion system with clear objectives, supporting policies and relatively complete standards has been basically formed.

Tian Guomin pointed out that through the joint efforts of various localities, the development of green buildings has also achieved remarkable results. As of the end of 2020, the total area of green buildings nationwide has reached 6.645 billion square meters. However, in the development process of green buildings, there are still problems such as insufficient implementation of technical requirements, insufficient regional development, and insufficient market promotion mechanisms.

Tian Guomin said that the "Opinions" issued by the Office of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China and the Office of the State Council put forward the implementation of carbon peak and carbon neutral actions in the construction sector, and standardize the design, construction, operation and management of green buildings. Promote the green transformation of existing buildings, strengthen fiscal, financial, planning, and construction policy support, promote the large-scale development of high-quality green buildings, vigorously promote ultra-low energy and nearly zero energy buildings, and develop zero-carbon buildings. Implement a unified labeling system for green buildings, establish a data sharing mechanism for urban building water, electricity, gas, and heat, and vigorously promote the application of renewable energy.

"We believe that promoting the development of high-level green buildings is an important measure to achieve carbon peaks in urban and rural construction and an important starting point to meet the people's growing needs for a better life." Tian Guomin said that in the next step, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will promptly carry out related work in accordance with the requirements of the "Opinions". First, continue to carry out green building creation actions to further increase the proportion of green buildings. The second is to improve building energy efficiency standards and promote ultra-low energy consumption buildings in climate-friendly areas. The third is to promote the green transformation of existing buildings and improve the energy-saving and low-carbon level of buildings. The fourth is to strengthen the management of building operations and reduce the energy consumption of building operations.

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