The strength of prefabricated buildings in Changsha City, Hunan Province has entered the forefront of the country


On October 24, at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, the three-day China (Changsha) International Prefabricated Construction and Engineering Technology Expo 2021 came to an end. The reporter learned that in the first September of this year, the central city of Changsha completed the review of construction drawings and used prefabricated technology to build a project area of 11.41 million square meters, accounting for 60.5% of the total construction area. In recent years, Changsha has vigorously developed prefabricated buildings, breaking a successful path for the high-quality development of intelligent construction and building industrialization, and injected strong impetus into the goal of creating an upgraded version of "built in China" and becoming a world power in intelligent construction.

Exploration Pavilion: A large number of companies unveiled with advanced technology products

This year, with the approval of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the "Construction Expo" was upgraded to the China Construction Expo. The exhibition area is 60,000 square meters, with 4 large exhibition halls set up to display the province's housing construction development results and advanced technology products such as prefabricated buildings, green buildings, and intelligent construction.

At present, Hunan prefabricated buildings have achieved full coverage in 14 cities and prefectures in the province, and a number of national and provincial demonstration cities and demonstration industrial bases have been built. In 2020, the total output value of the construction industry in Hunan Province exceeded one trillion yuan, and it was approved as the only green construction pilot province in the country; this year, the "Regulations on the Development of Green Buildings in Hunan Province" were promulgated and implemented, ushering in a new era of green development in the construction industry.

In the past few days, reporters have explored the museum and discovered that a large number of prefabricated construction companies from Changsha brought advanced technology and products to the Expo. In the BROAD Housing and Industrial Exhibition Hall in Hall E2, a 60-square-meter house has attracted everyone's attention. The room has complete furniture and appliances. This is the brand-new product Magic Bean IIIA launched by BROAD Cube.

Tang Fen, president of Yuanda Residential Industry, said, “This product uses high-tech silicon-based composite materials, which are integrally poured and molded in the factory, and the installation is completed in less than 2 hours after being transported to the construction expo site.” Since the trial production of Broad Cube products in July this year, a total of more than 100 million new orders have been received in three months.

In the Drawin Group exhibition area, the staff introduced its latest scientific research and innovation achievements-the RIFF system to the visiting guests. "This system is one of the overall solutions we propose for prefabricated buildings. Its core idea is that the prefabricated components do not produce ribs and the construction site does not support molds. Compared with traditional cast-in-place structures, it can reduce carbon emissions by more than 50 kilograms per square meter." Said Yang Junhong, general manager of Drawin Group.

Industry: Changsha has more than 400 key enterprises in the entire industry chain

In Hall E1, the Changsha exhibition hall will comprehensively display the achievements of Changsha's urban construction and prefabricated buildings through various facilities and equipment such as sound, light and display panels. "Changsha's prefabricated buildings started in 1996. After 25 years of development, the overall strength has entered the forefront of the country, laying a solid foundation for helping achieve the goal of 'carbon peak and carbon neutral'." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau said.

In November 2017, Changsha was approved as the country's first batch of prefabricated building demonstration cities, and in July 2019, it was approved as a national pilot city for steel structure prefabricated residential buildings. The city's prefabricated construction enterprises are blooming everywhere, and the core competitiveness of the leading enterprises is well-known in the world, which has become a new "Changsha name card".

In recent years, Changsha has identified the prefabricated construction industry chain as one of the city’s 22 priority industrial chains to promote, comprehensively building a modern industrial promotion system. At the same time, prefabricated buildings shall be fully promoted in all regions of the city, and it is required to focus on promoting the use of 100% of the projects in the region, and actively promote the use of 40% of the projects in the region. Up to now, Changsha has cultivated 13 national prefabricated demonstration bases and 30 provincial prefabricated construction bases; there are more than 400 upstream and downstream backbone enterprises in the entire industry chain, including more than 300 enterprises above designated size.

"We will further promote the intelligentization of the construction industry, strengthen talent cultivation, promote steel structure housing, and optimize the industrial chain structure of prefabricated buildings." The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau said that the next step will give full play to the role of the government and the market, promote industry resource sharing, and support enterprises to transform core technologies into national standards. To build Changsha into a domestic and international export highland of "equipment, talent, capacity, technology, standards" for prefabricated buildings, and form an internationally renowned Changsha prefabricated building brand and "100 billion modern prefabricated building industry cluster". Bring smart devices, professionals, and core technologies to large-scale "going out", radiating to the whole country and even the world.

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