Fuyang City, Anhui Province promotes the development of the modernization of the construction industry as a whole



Fuyang City earnestly implements the spirit of the Central City Work Conference and the work requirements of the provincial and municipal governments, accelerates the modernization of the construction industry, vigorously develops prefabricated buildings and industrial base construction, and actively introduces prefabricated construction enterprises, which has achieved good results. As of July 2020, the construction area of prefabricated buildings in Fuyang City was 1,995,873 square meters, the newly started area of prefabricated buildings accounted for 17.7% of the newly built building area, the completed area of prefabricated buildings was 1,019,287 square meters, and the completed area of prefabricated buildings accounted for 16.1% of the completed area of new buildings.

One is to formulate policy measures. According to the development status of the modernization of the construction industry in Fuyang City, scientifically plan the industrial layout, overall goals and phased implementation goals of the construction industry modernization in Fuyang City in recent years. The Urban and Rural Construction Bureau of Fuyang City will soon issue the "Implementation Plan on Further Promoting the Development of the Prefabricated Construction Industry" to further clarify the work objectives, tasks, and responsibilities of the leading group for the industrialization of matching construction, and to promote the modernization of the city's construction industry as a whole.

The second is to schedule and advance regularly. In order to keep abreast of the progress of prefabricated buildings, a dispatch meeting is held once a month to inform the progress of prefabricated buildings in various counties, cities, and districts, and to promote the units that are progressing quickly in project construction. Responsible units that have not completed the construction tasks of the project shall be notified and criticized to ensure that the proportion of the prefabricated construction area and the completed construction area reach 15%, and the goal assessment task at the end of the year is successfully completed.

The third is to promote project construction. In accordance with the principle of "highlighting key points and classified promotion", the development of prefabricated buildings is divided into key promotion areas, active promotion areas and encouraging promotion areas. Key promotion areas  include Fuhe Industrial Park, Chengnan Area, Economic Development Area, and West Lake New Area; Active promotion areas include Quanbei Area, Hedong Area, Laocheng Area, Jieshou, Taihe, Funan, Yingshang, and Linquan Built-up Areas; The encouraged promotion areas are other areas of the city except the above two areas.

The fourth is to strive for financial funds. In 2020, a total of 6 projects in Fuyang City were listed as prefabricated construction demonstration projects by the Provincial Housing and Urban-rural Construction Department and the Provincial Department of Finance, and received 8.31 million yuan in funding awards.

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