Hainan Province: This observation meeting set off a boom in prefabricated construction technology exchanges in Danzhou



In order to further promote the safety quality of prefabricated building construction and the promotion and use of new technologies, new products, and informatization in the field of construction, to enhance the safety production management of Danzhou and the level of construction industrialization and informatization. On the morning of October 19th, the 2021 Danzhou Construction Project Quality and Safety Standard Chemical Site and Information Chemical Site Observation Meeting was held in the Country Garden West Center Project, setting off an industry upsurge of learning in observations, experiencing in observations, and surpassing learning.

The project staff of Country Garden West Center explained the construction technology on site

Wu Zhenxing, Deputy Mayor of Danzhou City, Lin Mingquan, Director of the Quality Safety Division of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hainan Province, heads of relevant departments such as Danzhou Housing and Construction, Emergency Management, and Quality Supervision, and the Hainan Construction Industry Association attended the event.

At the beginning of the observation meeting, Niu Xiaofeng, the project leader of Country Garden West Center, introduced the overall situation of the prefabricated construction process in the Hainan area of Country Garden. In recent years, the Hainan area of Country Garden has actively responded to the call of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government to vigorously promote the development of prefabricated buildings and adopt prefabricated construction techniques in many new projects across the province. Among them, with the strong support of the Danzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau, Country Garden Hainan District has launched two prefabricated construction projects in the western center and the upper city of Baodao in Danzhou. The Western Center Project is the first project in Danzhou that uses prefabricated construction techniques. It has accumulated certain experience in the implementation of quality standardization, safety standardization, smart construction, green construction, technological construction, and exploration in improving project quality and ensuring project quality.

Observation meeting scene

As the general contractor of the Country Garden West Center project, Zhang Xiaolong, general manager of Hainan Wantai Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., shared the experience and practices of the project in the prefabricated construction process with the guests.

"How to install prefabricated wall panels and what should be paid attention to?" "What is the hoisting construction process of prefabricated laminated panels?" Since most of the current engineering construction in Danzhou still adopts traditional techniques and lack of experience in prefabricated construction techniques, the observation meeting that day attracted more than 200 representatives of construction companies, supervision units and industry associations in Danzhou to observe and exchange. During the on-site observation session, colleagues one after another threw out many questions from the bottom of their hearts to the project staff of Country Garden West Center, vying to "learn from experience".

Participants observed the prefabricated construction technology of Country Garden West Center Project

Wang Mingkui, director of the Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau of Danzhou City, is pleased to see the result. "Currently, all parties responsible for engineering construction in Danzhou have inadequate safety management, discounts in the implementation of safety technical specifications and standards, and insufficient safety and quality standardization work."

Wang Mingkui was outspoken at the observation site and pointed out the main problems in Danzhou's safety and quality standardization and informatization of prefabricated construction. He requested that after the end of the observation meeting, all units should implement the advanced management experience and concepts they have learned in specific projects, and set off a wave of enthusiasm, quality, and management as soon as possible. 

Wu Zhenxing, the deputy mayor of Danzhou City, requires all units to implement quality standardization, safety standardization, smart construction, green construction, and technological construction in the Country Garden Western Center Project. And innovations and practices in improving project quality and guaranteeing project quality are fully applied in practice, throughout the whole cycle of project construction, bravely shouldering, fulfilling responsibilities, and making new contributions to promoting the development of Hainan Free Trade Port's project quality and safety management level.

It is reported that the observation meeting is under the guidance of the Hainan Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Hainan Provincial Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Supervision Administration, and hosted by the Danzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Bureau and the Danzhou Construction Engineering Quality and Safety Supervision Station.

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