From January to August, the completed area of newly-added prefabricated buildings in Anhui Province was 16.211.6 million square meters


As of the end of August, the newly completed prefabricated buildings in Anhui Province this year exceeded 16.2 million square meters.

Recently, the construction scene in the second bid section of the Tanggang rehabilitation site of Longwang, Hefei has been in full swing. The Longwang Tanggang Reconstruction Point Project is one of the land improvement projects in the water source protection area of Dongda Reservoir in Hefei, and the assembly rate of the second bidding section is more than 50%.

According to the person in charge of the on-site project, the prefabricated construction of the project is constructed with prefabricated components, with few cast-in-place links, and health does not disturb the people. As far as the building components are concerned, the sandwich insulation external wall panels, concrete internal partition wall panels, and laminated panels are all uniformly manufactured by the factory, and then produced and transported in the factory. Only 6 hoisting workers on each floor of the site can meet the construction conditions, which reduces the labor-intensive, construction waste removal and transportation problems under the traditional construction technology.

The factory produces "parts" such as beams, wall panels, stairs, and balconies, and then transports them to the construction site, and then assembles them into buildings. This way of building a house like a car is called a prefabricated building. Right now, this approach is becoming more and more common in Anhui.

The first national leading intelligent track segment production line was completed and put into operation in Hefei, which can meet the needs of 15km track construction every year; prefabricated steel box girder is used in large-scale applications in key projects such as the South-North Second Ring Road viaduct and the river diversion from the Yangtze River to the Huaihe River. Prefabricated box culverts were used in pilot projects in Huangjia Road box culverts and integrated pipe corridors of the new station; prefabricated farm houses were used in new rural projects such as Guanfurenjia and Chewang Village in Changfeng County to help revitalize the beautiful countryside... Recently, the staff of Hefei Urban and Rural Construction Bureau introduced that there are nearly 200 enterprises in Hefei engaged in the construction, design, construction, supervision, inspection and drawing review, parts and components of prefabricated buildings, forming a situation of complete industrial chain and rapid growth of industrial scale.

As a large carbon emitter, the construction industry is closely related to people's lives. The problems of “difficulty” and “expensive” in the traditional construction industry have become increasingly prominent. The shortage of raw materials, increased pressure on site emissions and environmental protection issues, and difficulty in overcoming common quality problems of on-site pouring have forced the construction industry to rely on technological innovation to transform and upgrade. Prefabricated buildings have the advantages of saving resources, protecting the environment, reducing pollution, and improving efficiency. They are an important carrier for implementing green development, boosting industry transformation and upgrading, and improving building quality.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, in 2020, the province will add 22.256 million square meters of prefabricated building area, accounting for 17.78% of the newly built building area. From January to August of this year, the province's new building energy-saving standard design and construction implementation rate reached 100%, green buildings accounted for 86.75% of the newly built civil building area, and the newly built prefabricated buildings completed an area of 1621.16 million square meters.

"In order to lay a solid foundation for the development of the prefabricated construction industry and improve the implementation capacity of prefabricated buildings, we recently announced a list of provincial-level prefabricated building demonstration cities, industrial parks and industrial bases. 3 cities including Hefei, 6 industrial parks including Anhui Chaohu Fuhuang Industrial Park, and 21 units including Anhui Provincial Architectural Research and Design Institute were included in the list.” According to the relevant person in charge of the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, each prefabricated building demonstration city, industrial park and industrial base should clarify the development path according to the declared implementation plan, strengthen the summary and promotion of experience, and promote the development of the regional prefabricated construction industry. We will also implement dynamic management in accordance with the "Anhui Province Prefabricated Construction Industry Base Management Measures" and "Anhui Province Prefabricated Building Demonstration Cities and Industrial Park Management Measures", and conduct regular evaluations.

According to the "Opinions on Promoting the Development of the Prefabricated Construction Industry" issued by the provincial government, by 2025, the province will cultivate more than 50 provincial prefabricated construction industrial bases and 3 to 5 provincial prefabricated construction industrial parks. The production capacity reaches 50 million square meters, and the prefabricated buildings account for 30% of the newly built building area, basically forming a prefabricated building industry base based in Anhui and facing the Yangtze River Delta. Green, energy-saving and environmentally-friendly buildings have become a new indicator of the development of the industry, and the series of measures introduced by Anhui will greatly increase the development speed of the prefabricated building industry.

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