The scale of green construction is the first in the country! Over 800 million square meters of green buildings have been built in Jiangsu Province


On October 19th, the 14th Jiangsu Green Building Development Conference, co-sponsored by the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Science and Technology Development Center, International Green Building Alliance, Jiangsu European and American Students' Association, and Jiangsu Academy of Building Research, was held in Nanjing. The theme of the conference is "Achieving the goal of achieving carbon peaks and building a new pattern of green development in urban and rural construction". Relevant persons in charge, experts and scholars in the field of housing construction gathered together to discuss the path of green urban and rural construction under the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Zhou Lan, director of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Jiangsu Province, introduced that during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Jiangsu has built a total of over 800 million square meters of green buildings, and the scale of green buildings ranks first in the country. The proportion of newly built green buildings has increased from 53% in 2015 to 98% in 2020. The green building sign project covers an area of 550 million square meters, accounting for about a quarter of the country's total, and has made positive contributions to green urban and rural construction.

The reporter learned from the meeting that compared with ordinary buildings, green low-carbon buildings can reduce carbon by 20%-30%. Jiangsu has a huge potential for carbon reduction in the field of construction, and the market is broad. Entering a new stage and embarking on a new journey, Jiangsu Province will unswervingly follow the path of ecological priority, green and low-carbon development. Further clarify the carbon reduction path, implement the construction policy in the new era, strive to achieve carbon emission reduction in the field of housing urban and rural construction, and make positive contributions to the construction of beautiful Jiangsu.

At the meeting, under the joint guidance of the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, and co-sponsored by the International Green Building Alliance and the Green Building and Energy Conservation Professional Committee of the China Urban Science Research Association, the Jiangsu Youth Green and Low-Carbon Science Education Activity with the theme of "Green Building Future" was launched simultaneously. The event will carry out green building publicity on the campuses of universities, middle and elementary schools in the province, advocating a low-carbon lifestyle. By setting up special courses, compiling theme textbooks, hiring experts to teach, visiting demonstration projects, and holding popular science competitions, we will fully demonstrate the social environment and economic value brought by green buildings to students of primary, secondary, and middle schools. Stimulate the enthusiasm of young people and train them to become active participants in green, low-carbon and sustainable development.

Focusing on topics such as carbon peaking action in the field of urban and rural construction, high-quality development of green buildings, intelligent construction and industrialization of new buildings, the conference also launched more than ten special discussion forums and released the "Jiangsu Initiative for Green Urban and Rural Construction under the "Double Carbon" Goal". At the same time, the "Thirteenth Five-Year" Jiangsu Construction Technology High-quality Development Achievement Exhibition was held, the "Green Building Service Network" was launched, the "Jiangsu Province Green Building Development Report 2020" was released, and major local standards related to green buildings and building energy efficiency were announced.

It is understood that in 2008, UN-HABITAT hosted the 4th World Urban Forum in Nanjing. Jiangsu put forward the goal of "Sustainable Human Habitat Homes" and held the first "Jiangsu Province Green Building Development Conference" in the same year. So far, the Jiangsu Green Building Development Conference has been successfully held for 14 consecutive sessions. The theme of the conference has been continuously enriched. Participants are all over the country, Asia, the United States, and Europe. It has become an authoritative platform for the industry to spread the voice of green development.

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