Part of the heavy pollution weather can not stop work! Hebei Province issued implementation opinions to encourage the development of prefabricated buildings


Recently, nine departments including the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Hebei Province jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Industrialization of New Buildings." It puts forward key tasks such as promoting the development of prefabricated buildings and promoting the high-quality development of green buildings, and clarifies supporting policies in finance, environmental protection, and technology.    


In terms of environmental protection policies, opinions put forward support for construction companies to do a good job in environmental impact assessment and monitoring, and include new construction industrialization projects such as prefabricated buildings that meet the requirements into the positive list of ecological environmental supervision. On the basis of strictly implementing the "Measures for Prevention and Control of Fugitive Dust Pollution in Hebei Province", during the emergency response period for heavily polluted weather. New-type construction industrialization projects such as prefabricated buildings, except for the construction links clearly required by the state, such as earthwork, blasting and demolition, and spray painting, can not be stopped.

At the same time, various localities can study and formulate policies for differentiated management and control of prefabricated component manufacturers that meet the requirements of ecological environment supervision during the emergency response period of heavily polluted weather. Establish construction waste discharge quota standards. At the end of 2025, the emission of construction waste (excluding engineering slag and engineering mud) at new construction sites shall not exceed 300 tons per 10,000 square meters, and the discharge of construction waste (excluding engineering dregs and engineering mud) at the construction site of prefabricated buildings shall not exceed 200 tons per 10,000 square meters. Carry out construction site construction waste discharge publicity, and encourage all localities to reward construction companies that meet the requirements for construction waste reduction at construction sites.

The opinion proposes that by 2025, Hebei’s urban green buildings will account for 100% of the newly built building area, the prefabricated buildings will account for more than 30% of the newly built building area, and the cumulative construction of passive ultra-low-energy buildings will exceed 13.4 million square meters. By 2035, systematic integrated design and lean production and construction will be widely used, enterprises' technological innovation capabilities will be greatly improved, information technology and the construction industry will be deeply integrated, the construction industry will enter a new stage of green development, and the industrialization of new buildings will achieve high-quality development.

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