"Technical Guidelines for the Reconstruction of Old Towns in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region" was released and implemented



In order to guide the transformation of old communities in Inner Mongolia cities and towns, and effectively solve the problems of low construction standards of old communities, obsolete municipal infrastructure, serious damage to various pipelines, incomplete supporting facilities, insufficient parking spaces and greening, etc. The Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has compiled and issued the "Technical Guidelines for the Reconstruction of Old Towns in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region". This guideline is divided into eight chapters, including general principles, basic regulations, improving infrastructure, optimizing the living environment, improving service functions, creating characteristic communities, technical measures for green transformation, and program implementation procedures.

This guideline is the first local standard for the transformation of old communities in cities and towns in Inner Mongolia. It is applicable to the residential communities that were built before 2000 in the built-up areas of cities and counties (Chengguan Town) in the entire district, and residents have a strong desire to transform. And the communities that were built after 2000 with serious loss of maintenance and management, imperfect municipal supporting facilities, imperfect social service facilities, and more prominent problems. After evaluation, they really need to be renovated and improved. The guidelines adapt to the needs of residents at different levels of life, and divide the content of renovation into three categories: basic, perfect, and upgrade. The basic transformation content adheres to the principle of making all changes necessary to meet the residents' safety and basic living needs, including the transformation and upgrading of municipal supporting infrastructure such as water, electricity, gas, roads, and the maintenance of public parts of buildings in the community. The content of the perfect renovation adheres to the principle of respecting the wishes of the masses, and meeting the needs of residents for improved life and convenience, including the renovation and upgrading of the environment and supporting facilities, the energy-saving renovation of buildings in the community, and the installation of elevators on conditional buildings, etc. The upgrading content mainly involves the supporting construction of various public service facilities, including the addition of convenience facilities such as community elderly care, nursery, cultural and sports, medical care, catering, housekeeping, and express boxes. For this kind of transformation content, insist on the actual conditions of the community and surrounding areas, give play to the guiding role of financial funds, and attract social forces to participate in the transformation and subsequent operations in a market-oriented manner.

The issuance and implementation of this guideline provides technical support for regulating the transformation of old communities in Inner Mongolia towns. It is reported that since 2019, the district has implemented a total of 1870 urban and old community renovation tasks and 251,000 households, and the renovation work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

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