The total area of prefabricated buildings in Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province has reached 3,574,700 square meters


How does traditional architecture show "hard technology"? What is the "smart brain" of the construction site? How to optimize the site and avoid repeated layouts to realize green construction? Recently, the Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Qinhuangdao City held the "Quality Month" open day event. The theme of this event is "Understand project construction and focus on high-quality development". A total of more than 40 representatives from relevant departments, construction, design, and inspection enterprises of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, and representatives of some democratic parties came to the BIM Center of Qinhuangdao Architectural Design Institute, Hexin Foundation, Xinfeng Inspection and other places for on-site observation.

With the development of informatization in the construction industry, the construction of smart construction sites has become an important part of the management and planning of the modern construction industry. In the BIM Center of Qinhuangdao City Architectural Design Institute, the author saw that the designer was operating on the computer the three-dimensional model of the "Underground Garage Pipeline of Qinhuangdao Hospital of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical College". Li Ruifeng, technical director, told reporters, "BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology can intuitively simulate the real scene in the building site, accurately design and simulate construction in advance, and achieve visual and intelligent management of engineering construction, just like a smart brain on a construction site."

Taking the Qinhuangdao Hospital project of the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University as an example, Li Ruifeng said that the project involves many majors such as structure, construction, electromechanical, and installation. There are many participating companies, the amount of information is large, the cost of communication is high, and the construction period is tight. Through the use of BIM technology, we have achieved a preview of the building structure, construction process, electrical and mechanical wiring, and management of collisions, realized visualization before construction, calculated the amount of manpower and materials required for the project in advance, and used it to guide the actual construction. In the end, rework costs and management costs were greatly reduced, and the quality of construction technology and the level of refined project management were comprehensively improved.

Parts are made in factories and building blocks are built on construction sites. What sounds a bit "magic" is prefabricated construction. Entering the assembly-type building component production workshop of Qinhuangdao Hexin Jiye Construction Technology Co., Ltd., the skylights are bright, the corridors are spacious, and the processing equipment is arranged in an orderly manner, forming a series of precise industrial production lines. The company's chief engineer Wang Shendong said, "The production line can calculate the amount of concrete to be poured based on the length, width, and thickness of the product, so as to ensure that prefabricated wall panels, prefabricated stairs, integrated pipe corridors and other prefabricated buildings can achieve large-scale mechanized production. Reduce a large number of on-site operations, and achieve water-saving, power-saving, energy-saving and material-saving. Dust pollution and noise pollution are significantly reduced, making the building more green and environmentally friendly."

From simulation construction, precise design to on-site video monitoring, from prefabricated building workshops to green construction on site, from the comprehensive management of construction technology by the smart platform in the early stage, to the optimization of quality, safety, and materials in the later stage, traditional buildings have been endowed with more intelligent connotations.

"The realization process of green buildings needs the support of intelligent and digital construction technology. At present, Qinhuangdao City has a good momentum of development. It will be more user-oriented, more energy-efficient and safer." Liu Wentao, Chief of the Quality Safety Section of the Municipal Housing and Urban-rural Construction Bureau, said that during the quality month event, the publicity activities will be carried out through the Internet, lectures and other methods to strengthen the awareness of "quality first". At the same time, special quality management activities were carried out, strict supervision and inspection of project quality were carried out, and the quality management level was comprehensively improved.

In September 2020, Qinhuangdao City was successfully approved as the second batch of national prefabricated building model cities. Green development and low-carbon economy promoted the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry. The data shows that the total area of prefabricated buildings in Qinhuangdao City has reached 3,574,700 square meters, and there are 132 prefabricated buildings under construction. In the construction of residential buildings, public buildings, and industrial projects, a number of prefabricated buildings with local characteristics have been created, which can be called "Qinhuangdao benchmarks".

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